Haircut calendar for November 2020: choosing the best date to visit the hairdresser

Haircut calendar for November 2020: choosing the best date to visit the hairdresser


Have a desire to visit a hairdresser but don’t know when? Read the lunar calendar of haircuts for November 2020 from Joy-pup. We will reveal the lunar secrets of hair beauty and health, tell you about favorable and unfavorable days for haircuts and dyeing. Plan your hair grooming according to the lunar calendar and your hair will be grateful.

Haircut calendar for November 2020: favorable and unfavorable days

Each of us can have good and bad days. There are also such dates in the lunar haircut calendar, and it’s important to know about them before planning a hair appointment.

Favorable days for a haircut in November 2020: November 4, 5, 9, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20-22, 24, 27.

Unfavorable days for haircuts in November 2020: November 1-3, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 19, 23, 26, 28-30.

Haircut calendar for November 1

Let’s take a closer look at each day of the lunar calendar in November 2020.

November 1, 2020

16-17 lunar day, the Moon is decreasing in the sign of Taurus. The day is unlucky for cutting and dyeing your hair, so don’t bother planning a visit to the hairdresser for this date. It’s the first day after a very strong Full Moon on October 31, and its effect continues.

November 2, 2020

17-18 lunar day, the Moon is waning in the sign of Taurus. Don’t hurry to the beauty salon, give your hair a rest. A haircut done on this day can negatively affect your eyes. And dyeing will harm the structure and natural beauty of the hair.

November 3, 2020

18-19 lunar day, the Moon is decreasing in the sign of Gemini. A haircut will lead to such problems as split hair and hair loss. But coloring won’t affect the hair health in any way.

November 4, 2020

19-20 lunar day, the waning Moon in Gemini. Haircuts, hair extensions, hair dyeing on this day will cheer you up and help you overcome your depression.

November 5, 2020

20-21 lunar days, the Moon is decreasing in the sign of Cancer. Get the trendy haircut you’ve been dreaming of for a long time. And then go for a walk. If you are looking for a soul mate, then today, having the perfect haircut done, you’re expected to have an interesting acquaintance. When coloring your hair, you will get exactly that perfect shade.

November 6, 2020

21-22 lunar day, the waning Moon in the sign of Cancer. This day is neutral for haircuts and hair coloring. Wellness treatments or masks will help you improve the condition of your curls.

Haircut calendar for November 2

November 7, 2020

22-23 lunar day, the Moon is decreasing in the sign of Leo. The strong energy of this day doesn’t allow doing such things as a haircut. By cutting the length of your hair, you kind of cut your finances and negatively affect relationships with loved ones. For coloring, it’s a neutral day.

November 8, 2020

23-24 lunar day, the waning Moon in the sign of Leo. A haircut on this day will attract envious people and ill-wishers into your life. But the time is good for experiments with hair coloring.

November 9, 2020

24 lunar day, the waning Moon in Leo. If you want your hair to grow less quickly and also stay healthy, even out the ends on this day. Coloring will also be successful, especially in light and red shades.

November 10, 2020

24-25 lunar day, the waning Moon in the sign of Virgo. Astrologers call a haircut done on this day “cash” because a visit to a hairdresser will bring you success in business and trade. Plan a cash haircut the day before a financial deal and it will go well. But you should better not start dyeing your hair on this day.

November 11, 2020

25-26 lunar day, the waning Moon in the sign of Virgo. Don’t cut, dye, or extend your hair today to avoid causing trouble with work, studying and finance.

November 12, 2020

26-27 lunar day, the waning Moon in the sign of Libra. This day is unfavorable for cutting and dyeing hair according to the lunar calendar for November 2020. Don’t visit the hairdresser today so as not to disrupt your plans.

November 13, 2020

27-28 lunar day, the Moon is decreasing in the sign of Libra. Don’t cut or dye your hair today if you don’t want to bring problems into your life. In particular, a haircut on November 13 is fraught with misunderstandings between you, your friends and loved ones.

Haircut calendar for November 3

November 14, 2020

28-29 lunar day, the waning Moon in the sign of Scorpio. This is one of the most favorable days for cutting hair according to the lunar calendar for November 2020. A haircut  will make your hair more manageable, healthy and silky. And coloring will help you shed inhibitions.

November 15, 2020

29, 30, 1 lunar day, the New Moon in Scorpio. It will be a bad day for cutting and dyeing your hair.

November 16, 2020

1-2 lunar day, the growing Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. A haircut done on this day can make your hair tangle and wayward. Hair coloring is acceptable, any color will work well.

November 17, 2020

2-3 lunar day, the Moon is growing in the sign of Sagittarius. This day will be neutral for haircuts, and successful for coloring ithe hair.

November 18, 2020

3-4 lunar day, the growing Moon in Capricorn. This period is very favorable for any kind of hair manipulation. Make an appointment for a haircut or hair dye if you want to attract luck into your life. Coloring is best done in light and red shades, using natural dyes.

November 19, 2020

4-5 lunar day, the Moon is growing in Capricorn. The day will be unfavorable for cutting and dyeing your hair. Going to the hairdresser on this day can bring financial problems into your life.

November 20, 2020

5-6 lunar day, the Moon is growing in the sign of Aquarius. A haircut done on this day will give you good spirits and a positive charge for the whole month. Hair coloring will also be successful and will  bring joy.

Haircut calendar for November 4

November 21, 2020

6-7 lunar day, the growing Moon in the sign of Aquarius. A haircut on this day will extend your life line. And hair coloring in light and red tones will attract good people.

November 22, 2020

7-8 lunar day, the growing Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. Give up the idea of ​​cutting your hair on this day. If you want to dye your hair, give preference to natural shades.

November 23, 2020

8-9 lunar day, the growing Moon in the sign of Pisces. A haircut today may not satisfy you with its result. It’s not worth the risk. Coloring on this day is also not recommended.

November 24, 2020

9-10 lunar day, the waxing Moon is growing in Pisces. Your haircut today is ment to bring luck. Any hair coloring will be of high quality and will look good for a long time.

November 25, 2020

10-11 lunar day, the Moon is growing in Aries. It’s not recommended to do a dramatic haircut and hair dyeing on this day. But you can even out hair and align your tone.

Haircut calendar for November 5

November 26, 2020

11-12 lunar day, the Moon is growing in the sign of Aries. Don’t cut your hair on this day so as not to bring trouble into your professional field. But coloring, on the contrary, will help you work your way up and earn the confidence of others.

November 27, 2020

12-13 lunar day, the growing Moon in the sign of Taurus. A haircut today will become your good luck charm. A visit to a hairdresser will help you acquire property in the near future and move up the career ladder. Hair coloring also promises positive changes.

November 28, 2020

13-14 lunar day, the growing Moon in the sign of Taurus. It’s not recommended to cut your hair on this day. Any hair procedure done today can weaken the immune system and cause disease.

November 29, 2020

14-15 lunar day, the growing Moon in Taurus. It’s strictly forbidden to cut hair on this day according to the lunar calendar. By cutting your hair, you negatively influence your destiny. Coloring is favorable only in light and copper shades.

November 30, 2020

15-16 lunar day, the growing Moon in the sign of Gemini. Haircuts and any hair treatments performed on this day can negatively affect its condition and health. We hope that our haircut calendar for November 2020 will help you maintain the beauty and health of your hair.

Read the full horoscope for November 2020 for all zodiac signs.

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