Wie pflanzt man Zucchini?

Wie pflanzt man Zucchini?


According to the lunar calendar, the first half of May is the ideal time for planting zucchini in open ground. But you should not trust the moon alone – also check the weather forecast: if frosts are possible, you should not rush. Are there any frosts planned? Get out into the field and plant squash.

Wie pflanzt man Zucchini? 1

For zucchini, it is important that they are protected from the wind and that they get the sun. Therefore, the south or southwest side will be an ideal place for them. In this case, you need to remember about crop rotation. After pumpkin, cucumbers, zucchini and squash, zucchini is not planted, but where garlic, onions, peas, root vegetables, cabbage or tomatoes used to grow, please. Deepen each bush to the cotyledon leaves at a distance of one to one and a half meters and water abundantly.

Wie pflanzt man Zucchini? 2
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