2021 – Year of the Ox: what will it be?

2021 – Year of the Ox: what will it be?


2021 is a year of the White Metal Ox. This strong, hardworking and self-confident animal will replace the whimsical and fastidious Rat. Read our articles at Joy-pup and find out what changes to expect in the upcoming year and what it will be according to the lunar calendar.

When is Chinese New Year 2021: date and exact time

Together with all Europeans, we will celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1, 2021. And the Chinese New Year will come a bit later – on February 12, 2021. It will be the moment when the White Metal Bull will come into its own and take reins for the entire upcoming year.

Year of the Ox

The New Year determined by the lunar calendar is often called Chinese. The date of its celebration is not constant and hangs between January 21 and February 19. Every year, Chinese New Year takes place on the second New Moon after the winter solstice (December 21st). In 2021, this date falls on February 12. The exact time and the starting point of the New Year 2021 according to the lunar calendar is following:

  • February 12, 2021 – 03:05 Beijing time;
  • February 11, 2021 – 22:05 Moscow time;
  • February 11, 2021 – 21:05 Kiev time.

Year of the White Metal Ox: signs and predictions

Now you know when the year 202 will come according to the lunar calendar. We also learned what kind of Ox 2021 is. Let’s find out together what this animal symbolizes, what surprises the year of the White Metal Bull has prepared for us and what events can be expected in 2021.

Year of the Ox 2

The symbol of 2021, the Ox, is a very patient, hardworking and calm animal. After all the trials of the leap year 2020, with its epidemics, crises and quarantines, we should expect stability and regularity in the upcoming year. We would like to believe that 2021 will give possibilities to improve material standing, a big part of which was lost in 2020. However, this requires taking the effort. White Metal Ox is quite conservative, it will be supportive of those who work beaver-like, rely only on themselves and at the same time remain honest with others and with themselves.

Year of the Ox 3

White Metal Ox is a reliable and strong partner for those who decide to start a new business in 2021. Remember, you have to display diligence and hard work to earn his patronage.

Expect stability in family relationships: The Bull doesn’t like innovation and change. 2021 will be a period of strengthening your family traditions. The symbol of the year will be favorable to those who care about their loved ones, respect the opinions of others, keep promises and devote time to their families.

Year of the Ox 4

According to the signs, the year of the White Metal Bull will be fruitful, therefore this period is very favorable for agricultural work. In 2021, no major natural disasters, floods, earthquakes or droughts are foreseen.

In regards to global processes, world democracy might get into a crisis in 2021. This will lead to the establishment of an autocratic regime in some states.

Year of the White Metal Bull: what does the element of metal symbolize?

The element of metal within a sign of the White Metal Bull means responsibility, determination, honesty and perseverance. People born in the Year of the Ox are restrained, precise, unhasting in words and actions. You can rely on them, they will always support you in your hour of need. It’s likely that in 2021 you will meet such a person and you’ll be able to see these good qualities, that the element of metal means.

Basic colors for the New Year’s Eve 

White is surely the main color of the upcoming 2021: it can be used in clothes, decor and in the New Year’s interior. When choosing a dress and decorating your home for the New Year of the Ox 2021, use a calm color scheme: beige, brown, milky, blue and gray shades are suitable.

Year of the Ox 5

You shouldn’t wear red clothes – this can make the Bull angry. To complete the look, use silver accessories, fashion jewelry, bags, shoes.

New Year’s celebration according to the lunar horoscope

Astrologers recommend celebrating the Year of the Ox in the family circle – without pompous celebrations and festivities. There should be simple and hearty food on the table: meat, potatoes, a large selection of salads, vegetables and fruits. At the same time, try to cook a lot of dishes for the New Year – the Bull loves a variety of tastes.

Year of the Ox 6

It is beyond argument that you shouldn’t serve beef on the New Year’s table in the Year of the Ox. Feel free to serve other types of meat and as much as you like. Prepare traditional snacks for the New Year of the Ox – sandwiches, canapes, vegetable and meat cuts, pâtés and all kinds of tarts with filling. Don’t forget about dessert as the Ox loves sweet treats. Include fruit and butter jellies, pastries, cakes and cocktails on the New Year’s menu.

Welcome the Year of the White Metal Bull in a friendly company, in a light and relaxed atmosphere. Consider contests, interesting games and symbolic gifts to please your loved ones.

Welcome with joy and may the new symbol of the year bring you good luck and happiness!

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