Essential reading! Or the best sellers written by famous politicians

Essential reading! Or the best sellers written by famous politicians


If you set out to read a worthy book – you got to the right place! Why should you pay attention to the books of politicians? Because who else but they literally faced all aspects of life on their way from ordinary people to world-famous leaders. They know the whole essence of politics, which ordinary people, are barely familiar with. strongly recommends saving this page to favourites and starting reading the book you liked most from the description. Let’s get acquainted with the reviews!

Lee Kuan Yew. From Third World to First: The Singapore Story: 1965-2000

First printing: 2013 

Lee Kuan Yew. From Third World to First: The Singapore Story: 1965-2000

The former Prime Minister of Singapore, who led the Cabinet for 31 years, tells in detail about the formation of his country. The book is written in a simple style, but at the same time with attention to detail. It will be especially interesting to those who are keen on how good politics work.

The book also reveals the secrets of political relations between countries and their leaders, shows how they affect millions of lives and future generations.

Lee Kuan Yew describes in detail the establishment of contacts between his country, the Malays and the Indonesians surrounding the tiny port city of Singapore. He also writes about separation from Malaysia and the build of military forces; as well as about the fight against corruption and ways to improve the living standards of Singaporeans.

He makes fellow citizens learn English and save money on housing and pensions; he is principled towards bribe-takers even from the close circle. In general, the great politician proves that there is no “economic miracle”, but there is a huge and honest work.

Lee Kuan Yew.


“I am often accused of interfering in the personal lives of citizens. Yes, if I didn’t, we wouldn’t be like this today. And I say without the slightest remorse that we wouldn’t be here, we wouldn’t have achieved economic progress if we hadn’t interfered in very personal questions, such as who is your neighbour, how do you live, why do you make noise, why do you spit, or what language do you use. We decide what is right. Never mind what people think. ”

Michelle Obama. Becoming

First printing: 2018

Michelle Obama. Becoming

This book is a window into the life of the first lady of the United States (2009-2018). It shows readers insightful and honest memories starting from the period when she grew up in a family of ordinary workers in Chicago until the moment she left the White House. Her story is unique and makes you think.

In her memoirs, Michelle Obama talks about how she solved the problem of the balance between motherhood and work. With captivating honesty and a bit of humor, she describes her public and personal triumphs, as well as disappointments, without hesitating tells her full story of experiences.

At the end of the book, she talks about stress, disappointment in politics, but also about the opportunity to offer her vision, while criticizing Barack Obama’s successor, Donald Trump. All in all, she remains optimistic.

Michelle Obama.


“Failure is a feeling that has settled in us long before it becomes a real result. This is a vulnerability that is generated by self-doubt and then intensified, often intentionally, by fear. ”

Madeleine Korbel Albright. Fascism: A Warning

First printing: 2018

Madeleine Korbel Albright. Fascism: A Warning

Do you think fascism is over after World War II? Don’t get your hopes up, fascism is alive and well, and very soon it can loudly remind of itself.

The first female US Secretary of State (1997-2001), former UN Ambassador and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright carefully studies the fascist movement of the 20th century, how its legacy affects the modern world and what its signs warn us about.

According to her, many world leaders have applied and are applying the tactics of the Nazis that were used in the 1920s and 30s, starting from the Kim dynasty and ending with Erdogan. She also continues to make veiled comparisons between Trump, Mussolini and Joseph McCarthy.

Madeleine Korbel Albright.


“… why in the distant 21st century we are again talking about fascism? … Honestly, one of the reasons is Donald Trump. If we think of fascism as a wound from the past that has almost healed, placing Trump in the White House was like tearing off a bandage and picking in a scab. ”

Winston Churchill. Never Give In! The Best of Winston Churchill’s Speeches

First printing: 2004 

Winston Churchill. Never Give In! The Best of Winston Churchill’s Speeches

In fact, this is a collection of Churchill’s famous speeches that his grandson made. The British politician always carefully prepared for speeches, so many of his phrases became widely used (“Iron Curtain”). While serving in the army, he also worked as a correspondent, and after the Second World War he even made a living from lectures and writing, which is why his writing skill was so strong.

The book is great because it’s not just a subjective retelling of speeches, but a direct text of the author, comparable to the history. We learn about many historical facts, for example when Churchill in 1932 saw the danger of Nazism. We also get acquainted with famous personalities such as Lenin, Roosevelt, Bernard Shaw, Lawrence of Arabia and many others.

Winston Churchill.


“Never give up – never, never, never, never, in anything, big or small, never give in, except beliefs in honor and common sense. Never give in to force; never succumb to the clearly overwhelming power of the enemy. “

Shimon Peres. No room for small dreams

First printing: 2017 

Shimon Peres. No room for small dreams

The founding father of modern Israel died on September 28, 2016. He completed this book a few weeks before his death. In it, the Israeli leader, as it were, conducts a detective investigation when he describes the most important turning points in the history of the country.

He was a tireless builder of the Israeli armed forces. Lee Kuan Yew in his book also describes cooperation between countries when he himself posed the problem of arming tiny Singapore.

Shimon Peres made possible the start and development of Israel’s nuclear program and launched the high-tech revolution “Startup Nation”. He literally saved the country’s economy thanks to principled decisions and bold military operations (for example, Entebbe).

The leadership lessons in this book show why Shimon Peres, in so many attempts, was able to see the opportunity when others predicted failure. If you don’t try, you won’t find out – this is the secret of Perese’s innovation.

Shimon Peres.


“How did it happen? How did we start a nation from nothing and turn it into a nation of startups? The answer lies in the paradox: the absence of anything was both our greatest problem and our greatest blessing to all. Without any natural resources, our hopes were connected with our own creativity. ”

Bill Clinton, James Patterson. The President Is Missing

First printing: 2018 

Bill Clinton, James Patterson. The President Is Missing

This is not ordinary memoirs, not a classic autobiography, but a real exciting thriller from the former US President Bill Clinton and the popular writer James Patterson!

The novel begins with meeting President Jonathan Duncan, who is preparing to testify before Congress – he faces impeachment due to secret negotiations with terrorists. Suddenly, he disappears, but finds himself for an important mission – to stop the terrorist cyberattack on his own and prevent the destruction of the nation.

Bill Clinton, James Patterson.

Fast pace, a lot of POV (stories on behalf of the main character), interesting storylines in short chapters – Patterson managed to make the action book as exciting as possible.

What else is worth knowing? The US president is shown as a true hero, a former soldier with poor health who doesn’t care about all these excuses. When the country is in danger, you need to act! Well, and there’s always place for America’s eternal enemy – Russia.