The tradition of decorating the Christmas tree before the New Year is loved by both children and adults. Another great activity is making Christmas toys with your own hands. It can become your family ritual for the New Year 2024. Read our Joy-pup article on how to make unusual Christmas tree decorations and create your own special decor for the New Year holidays!
DIY Christmas glitter balls 2024: creative ideas for the holiday
Multicolored lantern balls are a must on the 2024 New Year tree. However, you can buy transparent glass balls and make them colorful and sparkling as you like. Here are some inspiring photo ideas!
And here’s a workshop on creating volumetric balls from thin cardboard or foamiran. You can also use old postcards or photographs.
Watch the video with step-by-step instructions.
Not just for the nursery school: paper Christmas tree decorations 2024
These New Year’s paper toys can be made with children. They are bright, fun and original, so they will definitely cheer you up before the winter holidays. For example, you can hang these funny deer, penguins and Santa Clauses on a Christmas tree or create an unusual garland with their help.
And these New Year’s crafts are perfect as a holiday decoration for school or kindergarten. Christmas trees, snowflakes, stars, snowmen and multicolored paper lanterns are popular DIY Christmas tree ornaments. We also recommend you watching some simple step-by-step workshops in the photos.
See the video for more amazing crafts.
Soft Christmas decorations made of fabric and felt for the Christmas tree 2024
Chic Christmas ornaments can be made from felt or any other fabric.
To make such a decor with your own hands, you will need:
- fabric or soft felt;
- thin tape;
- synthetic winterizer, cotton wool or other filler;
- pencil and paper or printed templates;
- needle and thread or glue;
- scissors;
- New Year’s decor.
Step-by-step instruction
Cut out the figures according to the template, first on paper, then move them on the fabric. Make each detail in duplicate, which should be sewn together (but not completely) and filled with polyester batting. Sew the parts completely and decorate the toys for the New Year.
Lights creativity: Christmas tree decorations 2024 made of light bulbs
Old light bulbs can be easily and quickly turned into funny DIY Christmas tree decorations See the photos for the best ideas for such decor.
Christmas decorations from threads 2024
Ordinary knitting threads can be turned into designer Christmas tree crafts. To do this, you need the yarn itself, PVA adhesive, a few pins and a plastic container.
For such volumetric balls, prepare inflatable balls, which should be slightly inflated and wrapped with threads soaked in PVA glue. When the glue dries, burst the ball.
You can also make such a cozy DIY Christmas tree decoration from threads as a cute tiny hat. Look at the photo and try to make it.
Eco style: Christmas tree decorations made from natural materials
Modern craftsmen know a million ways of creating real works of art from natural materials. And New Year’s ornaments are just the best example of this ability. Forest cones, wood cuts, branches, acorns, nuts and dried orange slices are those natural materials you can use to create unique Christmas tree masterpieces for the holiday.
Figures of animals made of cones and felt are excellent New Year’s crafts that you can hang on a Christmas tree or take to school for a competition. Children really like this kind of creativity.
“Yummy” Christmas ornaments 2024 made of candies
Decorating a Christmas tree with candies may not be a new idea in 2024. But in recent years, many interesting ways of making unusual “candy” decor have appeared. Take a look at some of them.
And what about a New Year’s star 2024?
You can also make a decorative star for a Christmas tree with your own hands. These simple workshops will help you create a star decor and a festive atmosphere for the holiday 2024.
Christmas tree decorations 2024 from scrap materials
You can decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year 2024 with absolutely any materials: the more creative and unusual they are, the better result you’ll get. Lego blocks are lying around at home, and no one plays with it anymore? Make an unusual decoration and hang it on the tree.
Look around and you’ll see that even the most ordinary things can become magical during the New Year holidays. Jar lids miraculously transform into a Christmas wreath, and ice cream sticks become colorful animals.
Fantasize and create incredible Christmas tree crafts with us!
Watch the video to learn more ideas.

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