Beautiful congratulations on your wedding day: what to wish the newlyweds?

Beautiful congratulations on your wedding day: what to wish the newlyweds?


A wedding is the most joyful event in the life of every couple. And I want to wish her endless love, joy and peace. We at joy-pup offer the most beautiful wishes for a Happy Wedding Day.

Congratulations on your wedding day in verse

Wedding day – magic and a fairy tale,

You happiness sea, bright moments!

Let life burn brightly with love

And the world is ruled by happiness for a moment!


Wedding day – a miracle, a flowering garden,

You are a couple chosen by fate!

Dreams come true, always there

Love blooming, eternal country!


Today, as if let the stars light up,

The fire of magic burns in the soul.

Weddings – the beginning, the path together, boldly,

We wish you happiness, love in it!


Your union is like the harmony of music,

Light by day and moon by night.

Let laughter sound and joy burn in the hearts,

Very close, my dear!


Wedding bells – happiness is a magical start,

Light and joy fill the house.

May life be warmed with warmth,

And your heart beats in your hands!

Congratulations on your wedding day in pictures

Beautiful congratulations on your wedding day: what to wish the newlyweds? 1
Beautiful congratulations on your wedding day: what to wish the newlyweds? 2
Beautiful congratulations on your wedding day: what to wish the newlyweds? 3
Beautiful congratulations on your wedding day: what to wish the newlyweds? 4
Beautiful congratulations on your wedding day: what to wish the newlyweds? 5

Congratulations on your wedding day in prose

Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on the long-awaited and sparkling event – your wedding day! May this day be filled with happiness, joy and many warm moments. May your union be strong, like a stone, and strong, like an eternal union of sea and sky. May love and understanding always accompany you, and the road ahead will be covered with flowers of tenderness and affection. Congratulations on a new stage in life!


Dear newlyweds! On this wonderful day, when love unites the two of you into a single whole, I want to wish you incredible happiness and harmony in family life. Let each new day be for you an outcome to new horizons, strong bonds of soul and tenderness. Be support and support for each other, share joy and bitter moments, walk together through life’s trials with confidence in your love. Happy wedding!


Our dear newlyweds! This day is a great turn in your destiny, a new page in your love story. May every day of your joint path be filled with children’s laughter, smiles, flowers and affection. Let happiness be your constant companion, and love grow stronger every day, like a wine tree that brings juicy and sweet fruits. We congratulate you on your wedding day and wish you a bright and joyful future!


Dear friends! Today is the day when two souls become one, when love and magic unite you into an inseparable pair. We congratulate you on your triumph and wish your life to be filled with colors of love and tenderness. May the family nest always be filled with happiness, warmth and comfort. Take care and keep each other, and may your happiness be immense and eternal!


Dear Newly Made Husband and Wife! Today is the day when you promise to love each other in joy and sorrow, in poverty and wealth, in health and sickness. It is wonderful that you have found each other in this vast world, and are taking a joint step towards a brighter future. Let your love be enduring and eternal, and let your moments together be remembered as the happiest in your life. Happiness to you and love! Congratulations on your wedding day!

To be continued…

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