Can hippos recognize each other by voice

Can hippos recognize each other by voice


Scientists have found that hippos can distinguish between friends, neighbors, and strangers by their voices. In addition to being able to distinguish between friend and foe (or at least an unfamiliar hippopotamus from a member of their community), the researchers say the animals can probably recognize people’s voices. If a person is familiar to them, hippos can recognize him by his voice at the next meetings.

А знаете ли вы, что…Бегемоты могут узнавать друг друга по голосу

Also, scientists who studied hippos in one of the African reserves managed to establish that these animals have a wide range of vocal abilities. Hippos can wheeze, grunt, moo, growl, squeal, and also make sounds similar to beeps.

А знаете ли вы, что…Бегемоты могут узнавать друг друга по голосу

In addition, each hippopotamus has its own unique voice, thanks to which animals can recognize each other and maintain social relationships within their population. By the way, the cry of a hippopotamus extends to a distance of 1 kilometer, so relatives are able to hear and recognize this sound.

Also, scientists have concluded that animals only seem lazy, clumsy and indifferent while swimming in the lakes. In fact, they listen very carefully to the environment and react sharply to unfamiliar sounds. Therefore, in no case should you approach hippos frolicking on the water, and even more so talk and shout loudly.

А знаете ли вы, что…Бегемоты могут узнавать друг друга по голосу

Hundreds of tourists die every year because of the aggressive behavior of hippos in Africa.

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