Angelic numerology 17:17 on the clock: what does it mean

Angelic numerology 17:17 on the clock: what does it mean


Do you often see the repeated numbers 17:17 on your watch dial? This is the Universe, the guardian angel or your guides are sending you signs and trying to tell you something. These are angel numbers, a symbol of spiritual awakening and happiness, and can teach you a lot.

17.17 on the clock – meaning

Angelic numerology 17:17 on the clock: what does it mean 1

If you often see 17:17 on the clock, you are destined to become a leader in the spiritual realm. You can become a soul healer, rise spiritually, or open yourself up to other cultures. If you want to defend your ideas in this area, if you are driven by communication on esoteric topics, the Universe confirms to you that the time has come. It is no coincidence that 17:17 corresponds to the hour of the influence of the guardian angel Imamiya. It clears the mind, which brings success in social and professional life.

To move forward, to act, to take the initiative, you must have faith in yourself. Confidence is gained with experience, you need to stop hesitating and asking yourself too many questions, weigh everything and start. If you have not started working on yourself yet, are going through a difficult period, feel disappointment and anger, this frequently repeated number of angels 17:17 is signaling to you that it is time to take your place and work on self-esteem. It’s time to change – that’s the price you have to pay to move forward and make progress.

Through combinations of identical numbers, the Universe reminds you that you are capable of doing great things. It encourages you to explore your spirituality and unleash your creative side, generating original ideas. To do this, feel free to let your imagination run wild and take on personal projects that highlight your strengths. Forget the problems, the feeling of insecurity, and get out of this vicious cycle that you are immersed in by daring to believe in yourself, in your luck and in your lucky star.

Angelic Numerology 17:17: Meaning of Number 1

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It will be interesting to look at the meaning of the numbers alone. At 17:17 the number 1 is repeated twice. The unit symbolizes action, so these angel numbers tell you to move forward, take the initiative, act.

Another message that the number 1 sends you when 17:17 appears on your clock face: “it’s time to pass on your experience.” In addition to being the energy of movement, the unit also leads us to the concept of exchange and transfer. If you have previously worked hard on yourself, learned a lot thanks to perseverance, knowledge, classes, training – it’s time to pass on your experience to others. By spreading your knowledge, you will help others heal and rebuild themselves to be positive.

Angelic Numerology 17:17: Meaning of Number 7

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7 is a very spiritual number that awakens wisdom. Closely associated with religion, it evokes great wholeness and exaltation. Seven calls for reflection, greater immersion in oneself in order to refocus. It’s time to take a step back, develop the ability to analyze and immerse yourself in the spiritual world. You have to take time for yourself, to retire, to meditate a little, to do introspection.

Seven signals that you turn more to spiritual food and expand your knowledge about the universal issues of life, death, the secrets of the Universe. If you are already interested in these questions, then the seven invites you to continue your activities in order to strive for greater wisdom, and develop your connection with the spiritual.

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