Astrological forecast: what July 2023 will bring depending on the number of birth

Astrological forecast: what July 2023 will bring depending on the number of birth


The day of the month in which you were born can also influence future events. Each day of the month corresponds to a certain planet or star that affects your life. Find out on joy-pup your main number, what it belongs to, and what to expect from July 2023.

Number 1 – Sun (if you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of any month)

July is approaching the end of the cycle, and it’s time to say goodbye somewhere, perhaps you already know in which area of your life this will happen. It may be a little scary for you to do this, but this is where a new chapter will begin. So use the next four weeks to make room in your life for what’s to come. If you do not attach importance to this month, it will be difficult for you to grow and develop. It would be great to donate your time and energy to charity. Collaborating with people who have less than you is especially rewarding, so consider volunteering.

Number 2 – Moon (2, 11, 20, 29)

July encourages you to start something new and take a bold step in a different direction. This doesn’t mean you’re going to reverse course, but you definitely need to be honest with yourself and what you’ve been avoiding for so long. No one will believe in you if you don’t start believing in yourself! You also need to be more independent, so if you need confidence or teamwork, try to trust your instincts more. You are looking for a possible promotion to a leadership position.

Number 3 – Jupiter (3, 12, 21, 30)

In July, try to listen to your inner voice, your intuition, as well as the important people in your life. You will need them in the next 30 days. Friendships and love relationships will arouse your strong interest, so deepen the ones you have or create new ones. You will feel happier if you have someone to talk to, share thoughts and feelings, let off steam and be the same for them.

Number 4 – heaven (4, 13, 22, 31)

This month you will reveal your most playful side. You will become more relaxed, light and carefree. You may want to be the center of attention, get others to move at their own pace and express themselves freely. Look for ways to show your creative side. Perhaps you have always wanted to take up a hobby or develop one of your talents. Now you have no excuse not to do it, and you will do just fine with everything. In July, your charm level is so high that a new romance will not be long in coming.

Number 5 – Mercury (5, 14, 23)

July is the perfect time to make plans. What do you want to achieve and how will you achieve it? The less you leave to chance, the better. You must be practical and take concrete steps. If you have a strategy, this month will be profitable in the financial sector. Work carefully and purposefully, try not to get bogged down in the details.

Number 6 – Venus (6, 15, 24)

This is a month of adventure and exploration, so getting new experiences is important, and you should start by stepping out of your comfort zone. After the hard work of the last month, you have to choose what to keep and what to leave behind. Pay attention to gaps and areas that require corrections or changes. Take care of your health and do your best to improve your physical condition and well-being.

Number 7 – Neptune (7, 16, 25)

In July, your responsibilities to family, friends, or work increase. You will be the rock that others rely on, but be careful not to neglect your own needs. Over the next four weeks, you may feel that you are devoting too much time and energy to other people. If you are looking for love then this could be your lucky month. The one who catches your attention can become your future partner for life.

Number 8 – Saturn (8, 17, 26)

Silence, peace, free space and time – this is probably what you are looking for in July. You are probably more of an introvert, so if there is a lot of fuss around you or too much work and obligations, you will feel uncomfortable. Do not force yourself to do everything at once, take time for yourself and allow yourself to relax. This can be difficult, especially if you have a busy work schedule or an active social life, but it’s important to take some alone time to clear your thoughts and feelings. July is a good time to take a vacation and enjoy some time with yourself, brainstorm and set goals for the new season.

Number 9 – Mars (9, 18, 27)

July will bring you energy and awareness. You are being given the opportunity to understand the power you have and to reconsider how you use it in your work and relationships. July offers you the opportunity to earn extra money if you are honest and reasonable. Don’t be afraid to take risks and invest. Show yourself to the fullest, and you will achieve success.

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