Comic horoscope for 2023 – celebrate the New Year brightly and cheerfully

Comic horoscope for 2023 – celebrate the New Year brightly and cheerfully


2023 is the Year of the Rabbit. And why not have fun together? Congratulate your family and friends, read them a comic horoscope for 2023, which will definitely cheer everyone up. It is perfect for corporate parties and parties, and it will also bring hope and allow you to take a different look at life.

Comic horoscope for 2023 for Aries

This year is the best for Aries –
He is both kind and generous!
Aries will be in chocolate
And assigned to the award.

In 2023, stubbornness does not suit you. Hide your horns in the far corner, otherwise you risk making yourself real ones. Of course, we are joking, but this applies only to those who pay little attention to their soulmate. Indeed, recently Aries have worked so hard that they have completely forgotten how their loved ones are. But the loving Rabbit is ready to fix everything. So meet him with hugs and surrender to feelings.

New Year comic horoscope 2023 for Taurus

It’s time for Taurus this year
Take luck by the horns
Since this year is for him
Suddenly came to the yard.
Rabbit will sing to Taurus
About a happy new year.
Only Taurus should know:
The case is the crown of joy!

In 2023, do not hesitate to do things, but take on everything with double strength. After all, you can greatly annoy the Rabbit with your slowness and lack of a sense of humor (some really do not have it). However, Taurus does not need special patronage from the Rabbit – they will reap the benefits of the past year, enjoying a bank account, a good job, or a very attentive soulmate. Yes, yes, manna from heaven is raining down on them.

Cool horoscope in verse and prose for 2023 for Gemini

Cheerful Rabbit
Gemini will lift the spirit –
Everything will be on their shoulder –
There is no reason to go to the doctor.
They are in good health,
Their joy and wealth awaits,
Constancy in personal life!

In 2023, Gemini will be lucky at every turn. And why the Rabbit loves you so much – we don’t know, but he has prepared many happy events for you. And you will fully show every side of your character. And as we know, Gemini has two of them. This year you will be creative, develop a lot of ideas. But thanks to your intuition, you can choose the one that will lead to success.

Comic horoscope in the year of the Rabbit for Cancer

In the rabbit year
Cancers will be lucky in full:
They will drink happiness in a mug,
Pour joy on your loved ones.
They will not back away –
All bad things will be forgotten.

What, tired of hanging out? Well, last year was just the beginning. The Rabbit, like the Tiger, will not let you get bored. He will make you get out of the shell and start to change your life dramatically. Therefore, no cookies under the covers in your bed or your favorite movie alone. Live 2023 to the fullest, enjoying every moment.

Comic horoscope for 2023 for Leo

Lions are waiting for dinner parties,
Long-awaited victories
Travel by country,
Life without falsehood and deceit.
Lions also know happiness
Something that tears the soul apart.
Lucky them in their personal lives –
Everything in business will be great!

Quickly fix your mane, as in 2023 you should be king. Think it’s not? In fact, the Rabbit is not afraid of you at all, he is ready to bestow all the blessings on Lviv. Especially those who work hard on themselves and love life. The lions are really lucky. These fluffy beauties with their soft gait will reach victories.

New Year’s comic horoscope for 2023 for Virgo

Virgins in the year of the Rabbit can not sleep
They will sing and have fun
Will glow with joy
Their mysterious faces!

Somehow, not much Rabbit loves pedantry. He likes to reveal his emotions, run and have fun. He will make Dev do it too. What did the new owner of the year prepare for you? A lot of work and no less money you will receive in 2023. But are you afraid of duties? On the contrary, you get a lot of pleasure from it.

Comic horoscope for 2023 for Libra

For Libra, the whole year ahead
It will be a raking year:
All Libra big shovel
Salaries will be raked in.
Families will start
They will build and love.

In 2023, Libra will be assertive and decisive – there are simply no barriers for them. And the Rabbit loves this, so he will become your patron. But try not to give yourself a choice – if Libra has two options for events, they can get a little confused. The beginning of the year will be a real starting point for you – with what mood you meet it, all 12 months will pass.

Comic horoscope for 2023 for Scorpio

Dear scorpions
Abyss awaits happiness
This year is a joy for them,
They will have everything right!
There will be meetings in restaurants,
There will be dollars in your pockets
There will be a new apartment
And a two car garage.

Hide the sting, because in 2023 you will be on horseback. Scorpions are waiting for a real streak of luck, a lot of profit and very much even benefits. new offers. But there is one caveat – you need to stop stinging everyone indiscriminately, injecting your poison in small portions. In the year of the Rabbit, Scorpios will show how much they do not like objections and whining – they will start pushing and trampling weaklings, beating whiners and getting into everything with their enthusiasm.

Comic horoscope for 2023 for Sagittarius

All Sagittarius in the Year of the Rabbit
They will not live without sin,
Since they are in love captivity
Twist the time of change.

In 2023, romance will swirl you and take you to new lands. The Rabbit will help Sagittarius shoot their arrows in the right direction and reward them with an abundance of feelings and emotions. New acquaintances, passionate love and sensual confessions await you. But don’t forget about other areas of your life. Do you want to be successful there too? Then appease the Rabbit, be assertive and purposeful.

Comic horoscope for 2023 for Capricorn

This year is for Capricorns
It will mean a lot
Our Rabbit is mischievous
Loves the sign of the earth!
very bright road
Waiting for Capricorns –
Whether it’s a cruise or a tour –
Capricorns are waiting everywhere.

We do not argue that the Rabbit is very fond of ambition. But Capricorns have more than enough of it. You love to teach others, give advice and teach others how to live. Believe me, only a few (if anyone at all) like it. Nothing, the Rabbit will teach you how to behave with others. First, you will meet someone who also likes to teach. Then you will realize that doing so is not very beautiful. And in the end, you will even out the situation by establishing communication with others.

Comic horoscope for 2023 for Aquarius

Aquarius is waiting for success,
On weekdays – business, on a holiday – laughter,
Rabbit cooks them
Very valuable store
There is joy and goodness
Happiness kilograms hundred.

Rabbit advises Aquarius to stop being the owners they are. Drop jealousy and don’t waste yourself on unimportant feelings. Think better about something else – how to attract wealth to yourself. And the owner of 2023 will contribute to this. Be bold and active, do not doubt the chosen path, and success will definitely come.

Comic horoscope for 2023 for Pisces

The year of the rabbit is coming –
He brings joy to the fish
Growth up the career ladder
And good luck, no doubt.
Pisces will swim often
In the ocean of stormy happiness

Stop being small fish in an ocean of other creatures. The rabbit will help you turn into a toothy shark that will shove everyone on the path to success. But in order to become a predatory fish, you need to make a decision about it at the beginning of 2023. And then success will not leave you, and you will snatch your piece of happiness.

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