New Moon in August 2024 – onset time and astrological influence

New Moon in August 2024 – onset time and astrological influence


The new moon has a significant impact on our planet and on ourselves, symbolizing the beginning of a new lunar cycle. This moment represents a time for fresh beginnings, planning and laying the foundations for future achievements. We at Joy-pup will tell you when the New Moon will occur in August 2024 and what energy opportunities it will bring.

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Moon phases in August 2024

August 1-4, 2024 – Waning Moon
August 4, 2024 – New Moon
August 5-18, 2024 – Waxing Moon
August 12, 2024 – First quarter
August 19, 2024 – Full Moon
August 20-31, 2024 – Waning Moon
August 26, 2024 – Last quarter

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When is the New Moon in August 2024

The new moon is the phase of the moon when its side facing the Earth is not illuminated by the Sun, and it becomes almost invisible in the night sky. In the last month of summer, it will occur on August 4, 2024 at 14:12. The New Moon will be in Leo, reinforcing themes of creative expression, leadership and courage. This is the time when you can safely dream and plan big things, without being afraid to express yourself and your talents. The New Moon in Leo helps to strengthen self-confidence and make important decisions regarding personal and professional areas of life.

The new moon in August symbolizes the beginning of a new stage and renewal of energies. In an astrological context, it is often associated with moments when one can lay the foundation for future endeavors and reconsider one’s goals and plans. The August New Moon is especially significant because it occurs at the height of summer, when nature is at its peak and many of us feel energized and motivated.

The new moon is a wonderful moment for spiritual cleansing and meditation aimed at attracting positive changes and getting rid of old, outdated attitudes. During this period, it is important to pay attention to your inner world, tuning into harmony and balance, in order to create favorable conditions for future success.

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Favorable and unfavorable days in August 2024

In August 2024, astrological influences and lunar phases can help determine favorable and unfavorable days for various activities and endeavors. Here are the main points to pay attention to.

Favorable days

1. August 4 – New Moon in the sign of Leo. This is a great day to start new projects, lay the foundation for future endeavors and work on yourself.

August 2.8 – A day under the influence of the waxing Moon. Time to take action, make important decisions and move forward.

3. August 12 – First quarter of the Moon in Scorpio. A favorable day for financial matters, investments and solving complex problems.

4. August 21 – The period of the waning moon. Time to complete the things you started, sum up the results and get results.

5. August 29 – A day under the influence of the waning moon. A favorable day for cleansing, getting rid of unnecessary things and preparing for a new cycle.

Unfavorable days

1. August 1 – Waning Moon in Gemini. A day when you should avoid important matters and major undertakings, as the energies may be unstable.

2. August 10 – A day under the influence of the waxing Moon in Libra. There may be difficulties in communication and misunderstandings; conflict situations should be avoided.

3. August 19 – Full Moon in Aquarius – an unfavorable day for making important decisions and concluding deals.

4. August 25 – A day under the influence of the waning Moon in Taurus. A time when energies can be chaotic, it is best not to start new projects.

5. August 31 – Waning Moon in Leo. A day when it is better to focus on internal affairs and avoid serious undertakings.

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