New Moon in July 2024: when it comes, what you can and cannot do during this period

New Moon in July 2024: when it comes, what you can and cannot do during this period


During the New Moon, the Moon is virtually invisible in the night sky. The New Moon is traditionally considered a time of new beginnings, renewal, and planning for future actions. The influence of this phase on people and nature has been studied for centuries, and many cultures associate their customs and rituals with it. Read on Joy-pup when the New Moon comes in July 2024, what this mysterious period promises us.

When is the New Moon in July 2024?

New Moon in July 2024: when it comes, what you can and cannot do during this period 1

The new moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle. At this time of the month, the Moon is still invisible from Earth, as it is for the next three days. This is a time for introspection as we set our intentions and plant seeds for the coming weeks. In mid-summer, the New Moon will occur on July 6 at 01:57, on the 2nd lunar day of the lunar calendar. The moon at this moment will be in the zodiac sign Cancer. The celestial body will rise at 03:19, and sunset will occur at 22:23. The New Moon in July 2024 is a period that can be effectively used for personal growth and planning for future achievements. The main thing is to use this time wisely and pay attention to your inner needs.

Moon phases in July 2024

From July 1 to July 5, 2024 – waning moon

July 6, 2024 — New Moon

from July 7 to July 20, 2024 – waxing Moon

July 21, 2024 – Full Moon

from July 22 to July 31, 2024 – waning moon

New Moon in Cancer – Family Oriented

On July 6, 2024, the Sun and Moon meet in the watery sign of Cancer, which is focused on family, home and nature from which we all come. This New Moon may be especially important for all earth and water signs. Air and fire signs who love speed and simplicity will feel a little tired. Cancer rules all our feelings, originating not only in the present, but also in childhood. Pay special attention to your relationship with your parents and show them respect.

What can you do on the New Moon?

New Moon in July 2024: when it comes, what you can and cannot do during this period 2

1. The New Moon is a good time to start new projects or activities. During this period, the energies of renewal and the beginning of new cycles can help you focus on long-term plans and ideas.

2. The period of the new moon is ideal for meditation and internal reflection. Focus on your inner needs and goals.

3. For creative people, the New Moon can be a great time to start new artistic projects, write music or create works of art.

4. Many people use this time to begin cleansing programs. This may include proper nutrition, diet, fasting days and wellness treatments.

What not to do on the New Moon

New Moon in July 2024: when it comes, what you can and cannot do during this period 3

1. During the New Moon, it is recommended to avoid starting large financial transactions, such as making deals or investing. The energies of this time may be unstable for such endeavors.

2. Try to avoid tense situations and conflicts. This time is best used for introspection and quiet reflection, rather than for resolving conflicts and disputes.

3. Try to avoid overexertion and excessive stress during the New Moon. Instead, focus on restoring your strength and harmony with yourself.

4. As with financial transactions, the New Moon is not the best time to sign important contracts or agreements. It is better to postpone such matters for a few days after the New Moon, when the energy becomes more stable.

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