Northern Taurids meteor shower: where and when to watch

Northern Taurids meteor shower: where and when to watch


In November 2023 we have the opportunity to see some spectacular displays in the night sky, with the annual Northern Taurids meteor shower happening this coming weekend. The November starfall will light up the weekend sky and bring us an extraordinary spectacle and high energy. Find out on Joy-pup where and when to watch the Northern Taurids meteor shower.

Northern Taurids meteor shower: where and when to watch 1

What is the Taurid meteor shower?

In November there will be two events called meteor showers or meteor showers. The November Taurids began their activity on October 20 and will last until December 10, but their maximum visibility occurs on the night of November 11-12, 2023.

The Northern Taurids are a group of meteors formed from dust particles from asteroid 2004 TG10, part of the Encke complex, located in the constellation Taurus. This constellation is visible shortly after sunset in the east. Currently, brightly shining Jupiter and Uranus appear in their vicinity.

Northern Taurids meteor shower: where and when to watch 2

Where to watch the Northern Taurids meteor shower?

Taurid meteors are a fairly difficult phenomenon to observe as they produce an average of 5 meteors per hour, but also produce very bright flashes. This weekend’s viewing will be facilitated by the New Moon in Scorpio, which will make the night sky even darker. A meteor shower is expected next weekend from the Leonids meteor shower.

The best time to view the Northern Taurids meteor shower is after midnight, but you can start looking for meteors in the skies after dark. This meteor shower will remain visible until dawn. Where should you look to see meteors? The Taurids got their name from Taurus because they fly out from the radiant of this constellation. We must observe above the northeastern horizon, slightly to the right of Stozhar.

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