Retrograde Chiron from July 18, 2022: the duration of the period and the impact on us

Retrograde Chiron from July 18, 2022: the duration of the period and the impact on us


Astrology is not only about the signs of the zodiac. There are many different planets that represent different aspects of our lives, and their forces are released when they undergo changes. Chiron is technically not a planet, but a celestial body that looks like an asteroid or a comet. It is located between Saturn and Uranus and represents an incredible cosmic energy for self-development and self-healing. On July 18, Chiron goes retrograde in conjunction with Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto. The retrograde period will last until December 23, 2022. This gives us six months of time to deal with all the deep internal wounds that we have been “hiding under the carpet” for a long time.

What does Chiron retrograde mean?

Retrograde Chiron from July 18, 2022: the duration of the period and the impact on us 1

In Greek mythology, Chiron is a centaur, the son of the titan Kronos and the sea nymph Filira. He was a healer who, ironically, couldn’t heal himself. And in astrology, Chiron reflects your deepest traumas, pain points, insecurities that affect the spiritual level. During Chiron retrograde 2022, some of these vulnerabilities will surface, giving you the opportunity to embrace your emotions and heal. Things like trauma, wisdom, introspection, healing will be reflected in our personal lives and in the community.

Retrograde Chiron brings healing energy, healing of emotional wounds, rebirth from old traumas. This is an opportunity to finally heal old wounds in order to move forward and live a happy and healthy life. We all have the same abilities as Chiron. Within each of us there is the ability to regenerate and turn pain into a source of strength. Tears will be shed, old wounds will be reopened, and disappointments will surface, but all in the name of healing our hearts.

Retrograde Chiron from July 18, 2022: the duration of the period and the impact on us 2

The position of Chiron will help you focus on areas of your life where you may have experienced trauma. In the sky, it sits between eccentric Uranus and harsh Saturn, helping us balance independence and responsibility. It is important to know that Saturn’s energy is stable and Uranus is dealing with higher vibrations and awakening. When they close and disappear, we acquire a special power, we enter a phase of new opportunities.

What to do during Chiron retrograde?

Retrograde Chiron from July 18, 2022: the duration of the period and the impact on us 3

Chiron takes about 4 years to move from one zodiac sign to another. In Aries and Pisces, he spends from 7 to 8 years, and in Libra and Virgo only 1-2 years. In 2022, this comet’s entire retrograde course is in bright, fiery Aries, a sign of identity, confidence, rivalry, and passion. The energy will be especially powerful when Chiron is in this position.

The fire sign encourages us to find strength, confidence and courage in ourselves. It supports and removes what slows us down and prevents us from growing. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, so its bold energy can help you start therapy, end a toxic relationship, or realize the importance of taking care of yourself. You may feel a push to deal with the fears and worries that are preventing you from asserting yourself and fighting for yourself.

Retrograde Chiron from July 18, 2022: the duration of the period and the impact on us 4

The zodiac signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will feel the movement of retro Chiron more intensely. We can use this retrograde energy to understand that even the bad moments in life make us who we are and are part of our destiny. Some of the repressed emotions can come to the surface, causing you to feel your depth of emotion and be honest with yourself about what makes you sad. In other words, it’s time to cry. During Chiron retrograde, think of a painful wound from your past. Realize what your experience means to you now and how you can use these lessons to improve your life. Try to turn the sad page of the life chapter and be a completely happy person.

See also: Saturn retrograde 2022 and the impact on the signs of the zodiac.

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