Spring Equinox – a special moment in the annual cycle of nature when day and night become almost equal in duration across the globe. Read on joy-pup.com to find out when the spring equinox will occur in 2025.
When will the spring equinox occur in 2025?

The spring equinox in 2025 will take place on March 20 at 11:01 AM (Eastern European Time). This astronomical event occurs when the Sun crosses the celestial equator, making the length of day and night equal worldwide. From this moment, daylight hours begin to increase, while nights become shorter. This phenomenon marks the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. The spring equinox is also considered a time of rising energy, associated with nature’s awakening and the start of a new cycle.
What does the spring equinox mean?

Since ancient times, the spring equinox has been considered a symbol of rebirth and renewal. It is a time when nature awakens from its winter slumber: the first flowers begin to bloom, animals emerge from hibernation, and the sun shines brighter.
The spring equinox of 2025 carries additional significance as it occurs during the eclipse corridor from March 14 to March 29, adding a karmic aspect to the event: old issues require resolution, while new paths begin to take shape.
Astronomically, the equinox means that the Sun crosses the celestial equator and moves from the Southern Hemisphere to the Northern Hemisphere. This symbolizes the transition from the darker part of the year to the lighter one.
Traditions of the Spring Equinox

Since ancient times, Slavs have celebrated the spring equinox as an important moment in their calendar, considering it a time of nature’s revival and energy renewal on all levels – from the environment to human life. On this day, when the first birds returned from the south, women baked sweets in the shape of larks, as well as pancakes with sugar syrup and wheat grains.
Folk traditions of the holiday included vesnianky and haivky – songs celebrating the arrival of spring and the beginning of the agricultural cycle. Before the start of astronomical spring, people cleaned their homes, prepared seeds and fertilizers for sowing, and then sprinkled their dwellings with holy water for protection.

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