The magical properties of incense: a beneficial effect on the soul and body

The magical properties of incense: a beneficial effect on the soul and body


In the past, society used incense as an integral part of deity worship and as a cure for various physical and spiritual ailments. They play an important role in conducting religious rites and ceremonies of various Christian denominations. In modern society, incense is used for various purposes in aromatherapy, and what benefits can be expected from them – find out on Joy-pup.

The magical properties of incense: a beneficial effect on the soul and body 1


The aroma of gardenia has a calming effect. It stimulates sublime thoughts and feelings, artistic creativity, mystical and occult. If you need creative inspiration, light a gardenia.


Jasmine attracts personal, monetary, professional, commercial and financial luck in all its forms. It is used in rituals for well-being, family protection and breaking a bad streak. Helps to pass exams, find a job, increase business clientele, sales, etc.


Returns family harmony to the house, helps to avoid marital and family discussions. The aroma of lavender serves as a balm for the nerves – it stimulates pleasant thoughts and increases optimism. If you have a smoker in your house, be aware that tobacco smoke contributes to quarrels and bad mood. Lavender neutralizes this harmful effect, is used in rituals to achieve peace, harmony, mutual understanding.


The aroma of mimosa is an excellent sleep stimulant. It increases sensitivity and perception, which helps to see prophetic and clairvoyant dreams. Light an incense stick an hour before bedtime and inhale the aroma for pleasant dreams.

The magical properties of incense: a beneficial effect on the soul and body 2


Sacred and cleansing myrrh is used to remove curses, spells, bad luck streaks, cleanse temples and homes from evil spirits and negative energies.


It helps to purify feelings and attachments, creates a harmonious and stable environment, eliminating tension and negative magnetism. When burned with Amber Incense, it removes curses and the evil eye.


Patchouli incense leads to the destruction of uncomfortable circumstances, unhappy marriages, the prevention of illegal business, and other dangerous relationships.


The aroma of a rose attracts love, affection, friendship, harmony, health.

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The smell of pine attracts positive mental vibrations and spirits of benefactors. It invigorates the nervous system and the body, so you need to light it if you have a sick person in your house. The fragrance eliminates germs from the environment and can be inhaled in winter to prevent colds or flu.


Rosemary is a great home cleanser that attracts health and good luck. Light rosemary-scented incense sticks in your bedroom before bed.


It is a generator of good mental vibrations – balances the mind and nervous system. Promotes memory, meditation and concentration. Ideal to stimulate the psychic centers during tarot, yoga, study, meditation sessions.


Provides vitality and good memory. Disinfects and revitalizes internal and external tissues.

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Stimulates physical and intellectual activity, attracts good luck and money. Increases ambition, firmness of will and desire to break through in life. Ideal for apathetic, depressed, cowardly, timid personalities.


Violet-scented incense is used to eliminate problems that may arise in marriage and promote mutual understanding between people. Attracts financial and professional luck.


Peppermint improves breathing and dispels fatigue. It is used as a relief from stress, exhaustion, for the sick and those who suffer from any respiratory disease. Stimulates vital centers, fights melancholy, sadness and pessimism.

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