A solar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon when the Moon is located between the Sun and the Earth, and thus blocks the flow of sunlight to the Earth – completely or partially. Find out on Joy-pup when the solar eclipse will occur in April 2023.
When will the solar eclipse occur in April 2023

On April 20, the first solar eclipse of 2023 will occur. This will be a very rare phenomenon, called a hybrid, during which the type of eclipse in different areas changes from total to annular and vice versa. A hybrid solar eclipse occurs approximately once every ten years – the previous one was observed on April 8, 2005, and the next one will occur on April 30, 2041. The maximum phase of the eclipse will occur at 06:17 Kyiv time and at 07:17 Moscow time. The duration of the extension phase is 76 minutes.
Solar eclipse in April 2023 in astrology

Eclipses are considered an important event in astrology and bring many transformations. During this period, you will have to deeply review your values, emotions, self-esteem, desires and relationships. Carefully follow the signs around you, because the Universe will always find a way to show you the way. A solar eclipse is more intense than a lunar eclipse, as it always occurs during the New Moon. This is the moment that gives us the opportunity to plant the seeds of future success, which can become very high achievements.
The solar eclipse on April 20, 2023 will occur in Aries, which is known as one of the most mysterious signs of the zodiac. It will be very powerful, and you will notice many changes in your life. This is a sign of depth, intimacy and strong feelings that will manifest themselves in this period. When the Sun moves into Aries, we are more guided by intuition, react according to sensations. This sign has a strong will, knows what it wants to get, and fights for it with all its might. A solar eclipse in Aries brings healing and transforming energy to all signs. However, during this period, negative impulses such as jealousy, manipulation, and thirst for revenge may appear, which must be controlled.
The sun is brightness, success, fulfillment, future. The Moon rules the past, so there are high chances of something from the past returning that will greatly affect the present and future. This may be the return of an old love, a friend or a relative who was far away. Old habits can also return, both good and bad.
How a solar eclipse will affect finances and relationships

The solar eclipse on April 20, 2023 marks the beginning of the path of emotional tension, that is, the discovery of the most unconscious intentions, motives and desires that drive us and other people. Problems related to closeness and trust will be aggravated, especially in relations with relatives and friends. This eclipse closely coincides with Venus, which will also affect love relationships, which can bring luck in love and carefree romances. if you had an unstable relationship with someone, it can become even more complicated and eventually break up.
Try to maintain a harmonious environment in business life. Be very confident in what you say and think, so as not to allow subconscious aspects to develop into professional conflicts. Also, carefully monitor your finances, especially in the contracts you sign, so that there are no significant monetary losses.
A solar eclipse is a good time to let go of the past, stand firmly in the present, and build a good future.

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