When is the New Moon in April 2024?

When is the New Moon in April 2024?


A new moon is an astronomical phenomenon in which the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, and its side illuminated by the Sun is not visible from the Earth. This celestial phenomenon occurs approximately once a month and represents the beginning of a new lunar cycle. Read on Joy-pup when the New Moon will occur in April 2024 and what you can do during this period.

Date and time of the New Moon in April 2024

When is the New Moon in April 2024? 1

In the second month of spring, the New Moon will occur on April 8, 2024 at 21:21. On this day, the Moon will be very close to the Sun and will not be illuminated by its rays. All that can be seen in the sky at this time is a dark spot, indistinguishable to the naked eye.

The new moon has its own mysterious properties, and many people attach special significance to this day. It offers a symbolic clean slate, making it a wonderful time for introspection, growth, and the beginning of new cycles in your life. On this day, the energy of the young moon is favorable for planning, setting new goals and desires.

However, there are some prohibitions during the New Moon period. On this day you should not start new projects, start new relationships or make important purchases. It is also recommended to avoid large crowds and unnecessary physical stress.

What can you do during the New Moon?

When is the New Moon in April 2024? 2

The New Moon phase is often seen as a time for new beginnings and setting intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle. What you can do during the New Moon:

1. Write down your goals, desires or intentions for the coming month. The new moon is considered fertile ground for sowing the seeds of your desires.

2. Take time to meditate or reflect on what you want to bring into your life. This can be a peaceful time to connect with your inner self and the energy of the New Moon.

3. This is a favorable time to plan new ventures, projects or initiate changes in your life.

4. Physically cleaning your home or workspace may reflect an intention to clear old energies and make room for new opportunities. Check out your closet, throw away clothes, cosmetics, and accessories that you haven’t used for a long time.

5. Create a vision board. Visualizing your intentions will help you focus your desires and make them come true. Use the New Moon to create or update your vision board.

6. Rest and recuperate. You can use this time to rest and recuperate, allowing your body and mind to reset.

7. Do yoga or any gentle physical activity to connect with your body and keep the energy flowing within you as part of your renewal cycle. These practices are not only about what you do physically, but also about the mindset and intentions you bring to them.

Во втором месяце весны Новолуние наступит 8 апреля 2024 года в 21:21. В этот день Луна будет находиться совсем близко к Солнцу и не будет освещаться его лучами. Все, что можно увидеть на небе в это время, это темное пятно, не отличимое невооруженным глазом.

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