When is the New Moon in February 2023?

When is the New Moon in February 2023?


The New Moon brings with it magical power, new beginnings, or inner transformation. We are waiting for a new month, which is associated with a reassessment of life goals. We at Joy-pup will tell you when the New Moon will come in February, which zodiac sign it is associated with, and which areas of our lives will be most affected.

New moon in February 2023: when will it come

When is the New Moon in February 2023? 1

The new lunar cycle begins with the New Moon, which will occur on February 20, 2023 at 09:05 (10:05 Moscow time). On the 1st lunar day, the Moon will be in the sign of Pisces, which portends a difficult astrological period. This is an inefficient time that is not suitable for active work and important actions. The February New Moon brings delay and delay in many matters related to bureaucratic and legal issues. It can encourage you to look for new challenges and try to move your life forward in certain directions.

What will the New Moon bring us in February?

When is the New Moon in February 2023? 2

Each phase of the moon brings with it a different energy and strength, so it can affect a person’s health, both physical and psychological. Our ancestors understood the heavenly body as a source of magical energy, both good and bad, which can be very useful, but also cause confusion in the mind.

The New Moon phase is ideal for cleansing the human body. This is the ideal time to start fasting or detoxing, which will give you the most benefit from this phase. If you want to start something new, try a new sport, or try new recipes, the New Moon phase is perfect for that. It not only fills a person with creative energy, but also supports the emergence of new ideas.

This time is a great opportunity to put an end to all the old things and get rid of what you no longer need. Revisit your goals and ask yourself, are you making the best effort to achieve them? If you’re not 100% sure about something, don’t like it, or feel like you’ve taken a wrong turn, it’s time to change course.

The new moon in February supports an optimistic approach to life and inspires hope that the situation will improve, even if there are some problems along the way to the goal. At the same time, this time is favorable for gaining new experience, knowledge and information, develops the desire for education and the desire for communication.

See also: Full moon in February 2023.

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