Womanizers, jealous people, misers: what signs of the zodiac are difficult to live with?

Womanizers, jealous people, misers: what signs of the zodiac are difficult to live with?


Family life with alcoholics and abusers is full of grief and heartache. But cohabitation with notorious womanizers, misers or sissies is also not the easiest. Read on joy-pup.com which zodiac signs have these unflattering characteristics.


Womanizers, jealous people, misers: what signs of the zodiac are difficult to live with? 1

From an astrological point of view, men born under the sign of Gemini are the biggest womanizers. Their infidelity is associated with a constant desire for change, and this leads them to many life partners. Gemini’s desire for change is combined here with their typical ability to show off and have fun. This is a very attractive combination of qualities for women. They also attract the opposite sex with their intelligence, wit, playful spark and irrepressible energy. At the same time, constancy and fidelity are not entirely his strengths.

Womanizers also include male signs – Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces. Sagittarius seeks adventure, demands freedom and independence, loves superficially and rather fleetingly and does not try to hide it too much. Aquarius is a great life experimenter, and Pisces is seductive and alluring. In addition, Pisces are very evasive, so if they are pressured and demanded to be faithful, they may well run away to a more loyal woman.


Womanizers, jealous people, misers: what signs of the zodiac are difficult to live with? 2

Dependence on the mother and her care is characteristic of signs with a strong Moon, which in astrology are Cancer and Taurus. Of course, not all Cancer and Taurus men are so-called sissy, but their strong attachment to mother, family and home comfort must be reckoned with. Sometimes you can hope that the partner will get along with the mother and naturally form a couple of women who idolize the man. Otherwise, the partner is doomed to mother’s standard of excellence for life. Also, keep in mind that Cancer is a home type, and if his mother created a cozy home for him, he will not want to leave it just like that. You will also encounter a similar problem with a Taurus man, who is not so subordinate to his mother, but, of course, depends on the home comfort that a mother can provide to her son.


Womanizers, jealous people, misers: what signs of the zodiac are difficult to live with? 3

Each of us knows the taste of jealousy. In small quantities it can be tolerated, but in large quantities it is completely fatal. Jealousy is the fear of love, and astrology shows this to a great extent. Two signs commonly associated with morbid jealousy are Taurus and Scorpio. Jealousy in Taurus stems from the desire to possess, and in Scorpio – to keep everything under its omnipotent supervision. In any case, both signs tend to rule over their partners. Other jealous zodiac signs are Capricorns and Cancers. Capricorn, due to its innate severity, closes in on itself from the world and is inclined to indulge in love “drop by drop” and jealously protect it. Cancer is jealous because of their hypersensitivity and childish desire to be loved.


Womanizers, jealous people, misers: what signs of the zodiac are difficult to live with? 4

The most thrifty signs of the zodiac are Capricorns and Virgos. Virgos are more frugal, but they can be quite irritable about spending money unnecessarily. For Capricorns, frugality stems from an innate fear of uncertainty about whether they can provide for themselves and their families. Thrift can also appear in other signs. Cancers can also show signs of intense greed from time to time. Taurus, which is a symbol of material wealth and money, is characterized by the fact that he loves to save and own material things.

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