Health and beauty

Spa evening at home: ideas for rest and relaxation after a hard day

Spa evening at home: ideas for rest and...

After a long and stressful day, it’s essential to find time for rest and self-care. A calm spa evening at home can be an excellent way to relax, recharge, and lift your...
14 November 2024
4 factors that influence weight gain

4 factors that influence weight gain

Sometimes it happens that we strictly adhere to a diet, but we can’t lose weight. On the contrary, our body gains weight. We at joy-pup tell you what factors...
12 November 2024
5 foods and drinks that stimulate appetite

5 foods and drinks that stimulate appetite

We can’t always force ourselves to eat well, as stress, a fast pace of life, and poor eating habits can lead to appetite disorders. Of course, all this affects our...
11 November 2024
Dull Skin: Causes and How to Prevent It

Dull Skin: Causes and How to Prevent It

Dull skin is a common issue that can make your face look tired and signal inadequate care or exposure to negative factors. How can you keep your skin fresh and radiant...
7 November 2024