What and why

How long do hamsters live?

How long do hamsters live?

On average, hamsters live from 1.5 to 3 years, but their lifespan depends on their breed, living conditions, and health. Some species, like Syrian hamsters, can live up...
25 February 2025
How many eyelashes fall out normally?

How many eyelashes fall out normally?

Surely, every person has noticed that their eyelashes fall out periodically. This is a natural cycle that includes their renewal. But it is important to understand when...
25 February 2025
Why is the sky blue

Why is the sky blue

The sky appears blue due to the scattering of sunlight in the Earth's atmosphere. As sunlight passes through the air, gas molecules scatter the light. Short-wavelength...
20 February 2025
Why is the sea blue

Why is the sea blue

The sea appears blue because sunlight, when entering the water, refracts and scatters. The wavelength of blue light is shorter than that of red light, which means blue...
20 February 2025
Why is the sea salty?

Why is the sea salty?

Seawater is salty because it contains dissolved salts, primarily sodium chloride (common table salt). These salts enter the oceans and seas through natural processes...
20 February 2025
Why does lipstick roll?

Why does lipstick roll?

Lipstick is one of the main elements of makeup, but sometimes it does not behave as you would like. You may notice how it rolls, gathers in the folds of the lips, leaves...
20 February 2025
Why don’t eyeshadows stay on the eyelids?

Why don’t eyeshadows stay on the eyelids?

When doing makeup, we want it to be perfect. But this doesn't always work out, since eyeshadows can roll off the eyelids. Why does this happen? We at joy-pup tell you...
20 February 2025
How many chromosomes does a person have?

How many chromosomes does a person have?

A human has 46 chromosomes (23 pairs). Half of them are inherited from the mother, while the other half comes from the father. These structures contain all the genetic...
20 February 2025
How many states are in the USA

How many states are in the USA

The United States of America has 50 states. The last, 50th state to join the country was Hawaii in 1959. Each state has its own constitution, laws, and government but is...
20 February 2025
Why Birds Migrate

Why Birds Migrate

Birds migrate because they need to find more favorable conditions for living and breeding. In autumn, they fly to warmer regions where food is easier to obtain, and in...
20 February 2025
Why you can’t give a watch?

Why you can’t give a watch?

It is believed that giving clocks as a gift is a bad omen, as they may lead to separation or misfortune. In some cultures, such a gift is associated with the countdown...
20 February 2025