Charlotte with tangerines: a step-by-step recipe for a delicious dessert

Charlotte with tangerines: a step-by-step recipe for a delicious dessert


Charlotte with tangerines can be a delicious winter dessert that you cannot refuse. It will delight you with a bright aroma, moderate sweetness and sourness. We at joy-pup tell you how to make a charlotte with tangerines.


For the dough:

  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Sugar – 150 g
  • Flour – 150 g
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp.
  • A pinch of salt

For the filling:

  • Tangerines – 5-6 pcs. (or more, depending on the size and juiciness)
  • Icing sugar – for sprinkling (optional)
  • Cinnamon – ½ tsp (optional)
Charlotte with tangerines: a step-by-step recipe for a delicious dessert 1

Step-by-step preparation:

  • Peel the tangerines. Divide into slices and, if there are seeds, remove them. To make the charlotte even more tender, you can remove the thin white film from the slices (optional).
  • Whisk the eggs with sugar until a fluffy light mass is formed. This will take about 5 minutes at high speed of the mixer. The mass should increase in volume.
  • Sift the flour with baking powder and add a pinch of salt. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the egg mixture, gently mixing with a spoon or spatula in bottom-up movements. This will keep the dough airy.
  • Prepare a baking pan (diameter 20-24 cm). Grease it with butter and sprinkle with flour or cover with parchment paper.
  • Place the tangerine slices on the bottom of the pan, distributing them evenly. If you want the pie to look more elegant, you can arrange the tangerines in a beautiful pattern.
  • Pour the batter over the tangerines, trying to distribute it evenly.
  • Preheat the oven to 180°C. Bake the charlotte for 30-40 minutes. Check the readiness with a wooden skewer – it should come out of the center of the pie dry.
  • Remove the pie from the oven and let it cool for 10-15 minutes in the pan. Then carefully remove it and transfer it to a plate.
  • Before serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar or add a little cinnamon for flavor.

To be continued…

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