What is aged coffee + bonus video

What is aged coffee + bonus video


Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. It is not only a delight for the taste buds, but also a mental stimulant. However, not everyone knows that there is a type of coffee that can be called “aged coffee”. In this article, we’ll take a look at what aged coffee is and how it came about.

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Aged coffee is coffee that has been stored for several years after harvest. It is considered stronger and more aromatic than freshly roasted coffee. At the same time, in aged coffee, acidity and bitterness decrease, and sweetness increases.

1. How aged coffee is made

Aged coffee is obtained by long-term storage of coffee beans in special conditions. There are various storage methods, but usually coffee beans are placed in bags or containers, which are made of materials that do not allow air, light and moisture to pass through. These bags or containers are then stored in dry and cool rooms where temperature and humidity are controlled.

What is aged coffee + bonus video 1

During storage, coffee beans undergo oxidation and fermentation processes that change their taste. Oxidation occurs due to exposure to oxygen, which enters the grains when they are in contact with air. Fermentation occurs due to natural microorganisms that are found in coffee beans.

The shelf life of coffee beans can vary from several months to several years, depending on the desired taste and aroma of aged coffee. However, not all beans can be used for aged coffee. Usually only high-quality varieties are used that can withstand long-term storage without loss of quality.

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2. The history of aged coffee

The idea of aged coffee originated in Europe in the late 18th century. When coffee began to be massively imported to Europe from Africa, Asia and America, the problem of maintaining the freshness of coffee beans arose. Storing coffee beans for several years was a common practice as it allowed the coffee to be preserved for a long time. Gradually, aged coffee began to gain more and more popularity due to its unique taste and aroma.

What is aged coffee + bonus video 2

Today, aged coffee is a rather rare product that can only be purchased in some specialized coffee shops. While it may be more expensive than freshly roasted coffee, its unique taste and aroma has made it a favorite drink for many coffee connoisseurs.

To be continued…

Read also the main types of coffee drinks.

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