5 original birthday photo zone ideas

5 original birthday photo zone ideas


When planning a birthday, do not forget about the photo zone. This is one of the most beautiful corners at the event, where you can take vivid photos with friends and family. We at joy-pup offer 5 best birthday photo booth ideas.

With balls

Surely, this design is always relevant and will please your guests. Choose balloons that will match the style of the holiday. Actual decor in silver, gold black and white, blue shades.

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Hollywood style

Do you want to create a bright holiday mood? Decorate your photo zone in Hollywood style. For example, you can lay a carpet and put a huge Oscar statuette.

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Photo zone in glamor style

This option will definitely appeal to bright and modern girls. You can choose from different decor options. For example, photo zones with candy figurines look great. But if you love glitter, pay attention to sequins, garlands, disco balls.

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With flowers

Of course, you can’t imagine a birthday without flowers. It is with their help that you can arrange a beautiful photo zone. Complete it with various decor: benches, balls, garlands, swings, large figures.

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