How to make a calla flower from foamiran with your own hands (+ bonus video)

How to make a calla flower from foamiran with your own hands (+ bonus video)


Making flowers with your own hands is not only a fun process, but also a way to be inspired by the beauty of nature. An exquisite calla flower will become a bright interior decoration or an original gift for loved ones. We at Joy-pup will show you a simple master class on making delicate calla lilies yourself.

Bonus Video How To Make Calla Lily Paper Flower

Step-by-step master class on making calla lilies

How to make a calla flower from foamiran with your own hands (+ bonus video) 1


  • white foamiran 1 mm thick;
  • green and yellow chalk;
  • glue gun;
  • PVA glue;
  • ground rice;
  • wire;
  • green floral ribbon;
  • petal template.

Master class step by step

Step 1: Download and print the calla lily petal template.

How to make a calla flower from foamiran with your own hands (+ bonus video) 2

Step 2. Prepare chalk, scissors, glue gun, wire.

How to make a calla flower from foamiran with your own hands (+ bonus video) 3

Step 3. Cut out a petal from white foamiran and color on both sides with yellow and green chalk. Use a sponge or cloth to blend out the chalk. Mix yellow and green to make the petal more realistic.

How to make a calla flower from foamiran with your own hands (+ bonus video) 4

Step 4. Stretch and give the petals curves.

How to make a calla flower from foamiran with your own hands (+ bonus video) 5

Step 5. Wrap a small piece of foamiran around the wire to shape the core of the stamen. Apply a large amount of PVA glue to the head of the stamen and lower it into the rice.

How to make a calla flower from foamiran with your own hands (+ bonus video) 6

Step 6: Wrap the wire with floral tape. Use a glue gun to firmly attach them together.

How to make a calla flower from foamiran with your own hands (+ bonus video) 7

Step 7: Wrap the petal over the stamen and use a glue gun to join the ends together.

How to make a calla flower from foamiran with your own hands (+ bonus video) 8

Step 8. Calla lilies have a lot of other flowers. Try using foamiran of a different color or coloring it with oil pastels.

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