Fashion mistakes in images that will add extra pounds

Fashion mistakes in images that will add extra pounds


The fashion world is constantly creating new trends and therefore combinations that many people rush to try on as soon as possible. However, there are mistakes that can significantly degrade any bow and visually add extra pounds that you don’t really have. Read on Joy-pup for tips on how to avoid fashion mistakes.

Accentuate your waist

The waist is the narrowest part of the female body, so it is important to hide it as little as possible. When you wear baggy clothes, it visually makes you look bigger than you really are. Always add a belt to define your waist and look your best.

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Striped dresses

Vertical lines elongate the body, while horizontal lines can have the opposite effect, especially in the abdomen. And if you’re wearing a dress with diagonal stripes, things get a little more complicated. In this case, the length of the dress becomes an important factor – if it is below the knee, then it will go well with a tight-fitting plain jacket.

However, the statement that all vertical stripes slim the figure, while horizontal stripes add volume, is not always true. The thickness of the strips is the best indicator. For example, narrow stripes often help hide excess weight, while wider stripes can hide curves and create a more harmonious look.

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Wide shorts

Shorts with narrow and straight legs can give the illusion of thicker hips. However, if you choose flared shorts, your legs will look much slimmer.

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Don’t go overboard with oversizing

When wearing oversized clothing, it is important to pay attention to the accessories you wear with it. Due to the “baggy” nature of this style, stylists suggest wearing smaller accessories with it, as they do not add extra weight to the upper body. Also, don’t forget to accentuate your wrists when wearing plus size clothes, as the contrast between oversized and thin arms will make you look slimmer.

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Important Details

When you wear clothes that are too tight or made of coarse materials, they can make you look fatter than you really are. That’s why it’s usually best to wear loose-fitting clothing that hides unwanted areas. Also try to stay away from square necklines and high collars, as they cover part of the neck and change the shape of the chest.

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