4 Diet Mistakes That Prevent Weight Loss

4 Diet Mistakes That Prevent Weight Loss


The foundation of successful and healthy weight loss is proper nutrition. But even when we are on a diet, we are not always able to achieve good results. We at joy-pup will tell you about the most common diet mistakes that prevent weight loss.

Too strict calorie restrictions

Many people strive for quick results by sharply reducing the calorie content of their diet. However, too low a calorie deficit can lead to the opposite effect. The body perceives this as a threat and slows down metabolism, trying to conserve energy. As a result, weight loss slows down or stops. Also, a sharp reduction in calories can cause a feeling of constant hunger, which leads to breakdowns and overeating.

How to avoid. Maintain a moderate calorie deficit, which will ensure gradual weight loss without stress for the body. This is 10-20% of the total daily energy intake.

Neglecting proteins

Many diets focus on reducing fats or carbohydrates, but underestimating proteins can negatively affect the results. Proteins are necessary not only to maintain muscle mass, but also to speed up metabolism. In addition, they are absorbed longer, creating a feeling of satiety, which helps to avoid snacking.

How to avoid. Add more sources of protein to your diet: lean meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes. The optimal amount of protein is 1.2-1.6 grams per kilogram of body weight per day.

4 Diet Mistakes That Prevent Weight Loss 1

Ignoring healthy fats

Many people believe that in order to lose weight, you need to completely eliminate fats from your diet. However, this is a myth. Healthy fats are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, including hormonal balance, which plays an important role in the weight loss process. Lack of fats can lead to poor skin and hair condition, slow metabolism, and even weight gain due to endocrine system disruptions.

How to avoid. Eat healthy sources of fats, such as nuts, avocados, olive and flaxseed oils, and fatty fish. Watch the amount: even healthy fats are high in calories, so portions should be moderate.

Overestimating “healthy” foods

Even healthy foods, such as nuts, dried fruits, smoothies, and granola, can contain a lot of calories and sugar. By eating them in unlimited quantities, it is easy to exceed the daily calorie intake, which prevents weight loss.

How to avoid. Carefully monitor portions even for healthy foods. Read labels and control the amount of sugar, calories, and fat. For example, instead of granola with sugar, it is better to cook oatmeal with berries, and instead of packaged smoothies, make a drink yourself, avoiding adding sugar.

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