4 factors that influence weight gain

4 factors that influence weight gain


Sometimes it happens that we strictly adhere to a diet, but we can’t lose weight. On the contrary, our body gains weight. We at joy-pup tell you what factors influence weight gain.

Including foods with excess calories in the diet

The main factor in weight gain is excessive calorie consumption. They enter the body through food, and if their amount exceeds the body’s needs, the excess is deposited as fat reserves.

Low physical activity

A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the accumulation of fat, since the body does not spend enough energy. Sedentary work, lack of regular exercise, and even neglect of regular walking can lead to weight gain over time.

4 factors that influence weight gain 1

Insufficient sleep

Chronic lack of sleep can lead to changes in appetite and a slow metabolism. This causes hormonal changes that affect hunger and satiety. For example, poor sleep increases the production of the hunger hormone, and also decreases the level of the satiety hormone, which can cause you to overeat.

Constant worry, stress

Emotional state can also affect weight. Many people tend to overeat in stressful situations or when they are emotionally uncomfortable. For example, food can be used as a way to deal with negative emotions such as anxiety, boredom, sadness or loneliness.

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