4 Restorative Yoga Asanas for Back Pain

4 Restorative Yoga Asanas for Back Pain


Restorative yoga is not an ordinary form of yoga. This very gentle and relaxing practice is especially effective for relieving back pain. So if your back hurts from being in one position, or if you often experience chronic pain, restorative yoga can be a great solution. Read on joy-pup.com what asanas to practice for back pain.

Supta Matsyendrasana

4 Restorative Yoga Asanas for Back Pain 1

This pose improves breathing, improves mobility of the spine, relieves tension in the lower back, stretches both sides of it.

Performance. Lie on the mat on your back with your legs extended. As you exhale, lift and bend your left leg, place it on your right side. Inhale and extend your right arm out to the side at shoulder height, palm up. Turn your head to the right to increase the stretch. With your hand, lightly press on the bent knee to press it to the floor. Keep both shoulders straight and pressed to the floor. Stay in this position for 10 slow breaths. Then repeat with the other leg on the other side.

Reverse deflection

4 Restorative Yoga Asanas for Back Pain 2

Asana stretches the upper back, opening the chest, stretches and tones the muscles of the back, improves posture.

Fulfillment: you will need a roller, which must be positioned perpendicular to the rug. Lie with your upper back on the roller with your head touching the mat. If your neck is uncomfortable, put your head on another cushion as a headrest. Stretch your legs out in front of you and place another roll under your knees for support. Keep your arms straight at your sides.

Shavasana, legs on a chair

4 Restorative Yoga Asanas for Back Pain 3

The Shavasana pose relieves tension accumulated in the back, a gentle stretching of the muscles occurs.

Execution: lie on your back on the mat, placing your shins on the seat of the chair. Your legs should be parallel to the floor. If the chair is too short, add folded blankets to the desired height. Place your hands palms up at an angle away from your body. Let your lower back relax on the floor. Visualize all tension leaving your back.


4 Restorative Yoga Asanas for Back Pain 4

Balasana pose gently stretches the lower back and hips, relaxing the spine, which can lead to pain relief.

Fulfillment: you will need a roller, which must be laid along the rug. Kneel on the floor in the middle of the mat and put your toes together. Pillows or a folded blanket can be placed between the legs. Lean forward and hug the roller. Your head and torso should be on the roller. Stretch your arms back along the body.

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