Breakfast is the main meal of the day that you should not skip. But few people know that the choice of food for the morning can not only help the body, but also harm it. We at joy-pup tell you which breakfasts are unhealthy.
Sweet cereals and muesli

At first glance, cereals seem to be the perfect solution for a quick breakfast. However, most popular muesli contain a large amount of sugar, artificial additives and a minimal amount of fiber. After such a breakfast, blood sugar levels rise sharply and then rapidly fall, causing a feeling of fatigue and hunger after a couple of hours.
White bread with butter or jam

Toast from white bread with butter or jam is a popular and quick breakfast, but it brings practically no benefit to the body. White bread contains simple carbohydrates that quickly turn into sugar, while jams and margarine are often loaded with added sugar and trans fats.
Sweetened yogurts

Yogurt is often perceived as a healthy product, but sweetened fruit yogurts can contain up to 5-6 teaspoons of sugar per serving. They overload the body with fast carbohydrates, and are often devoid of healthy fats and protein.
Sausages, cold cuts and bacon

Many people like to start the day with hearty meat products such as sausages, cold cuts or bacon. However, these products contain a huge amount of salt, saturated fat and preservatives. Regular consumption of such products increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, increases the level of “bad” cholesterol and can lead to problems with blood pressure.
Instant cereals with additives

Porridges from bags are a quick and popular breakfast, but they are often loaded with sugar, flavorings and flavor enhancers. They contain less fiber than natural cereals, and the added sugar makes them more of a dessert than a healthy food.
To be continued…

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