5 ingredients you shouldn’t use in homemade face masks

5 ingredients you shouldn’t use in homemade face masks


Facial skin care is a mandatory procedure that every woman should perform. Many women prefer to use homemade masks that do not contain preservatives, fragrances and other harmful elements. However, even homemade masks can be dangerous for facial skin due to some food ingredients in the composition. Read on Joy-pup which components are not recommended to be added to homemade face masks.


5 ingredients you shouldn’t use in homemade face masks 1

Lemon is the fruit that is most often recommended for making face masks at home. The natural acid of lemon as a mask is believed to reduce acne scars and hyperpigmentation. However, using lemon too often in face masks can cause irritation, redness, and burning of the skin.

Egg white

5 ingredients you shouldn’t use in homemade face masks 2

There are many face mask recipes that use egg white as the main ingredient. It is used to brighten the skin, get rid of blackheads and even out the texture of the face. However, the use of egg white can be harmful. Raw egg whites can contain salmonella bacteria, which can damage your skin.


5 ingredients you shouldn’t use in homemade face masks 3

The use of cinnamon as a component for making homemade masks is not recommended. Although it has antimicrobial properties useful for wound healing, it is best not to apply it on the face. Using cinnamon on the skin of the face can cause redness and itching.

Baking soda

5 ingredients you shouldn’t use in homemade face masks 4

Baking soda is believed to be beneficial in reducing inflammation and acne. However, the very high pH content of baking soda can irritate the skin and strip it of its natural oils. Instead of health and radiance, you will get a deterioration in the condition of the face.

Apple vinegar

5 ingredients you shouldn’t use in homemade face masks 5

Apple cider vinegar is known as a remedy for removing blackheads, lightening acne scars, and reducing acne. However, please note that using vinegar without the correct dose can cause a burning sensation in normal skin and burns in sensitive skin.

See also: how to rejuvenate the face without expensive procedures.

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