7 negative effects of blue light from mobile phones and gadgets

7 negative effects of blue light from mobile phones and gadgets


Exposure to blue light from mobile phones and gadgets is very hazardous to health. This is visible light with a short wavelength, from 415 to 455 nm, and a high level of energy that can come from various electronic devices. Blue light is produced not only by gadgets, but also by the sun. The benefit of blue sunlight is to improve attention and mood. The light that comes from gadgets can have a negative impact on human health. We at Joy-pup talk about blue light exposure from mobile phones and gadgets and how to reduce it.

7 negative effects of blue light from mobile phones and gadgets 1

1. Damage to the retina

The main effect of blue light is to damage the retina of the eye, which can lead to macular degeneration. This can lead to loss of central vision, the ability to see what is in front of the eyes.

2. Cause cataracts

Exposure to blue light from mobile phones and other gadgets causes cataracts. According to ophthalmologists, people at the age of 35 began to experience conditions of the eyes, with a tendency to cataracts, as in people at the age of 75 years.

3. Disrupt the natural sleep cycle

Blue light from mobile phones and gadgets can interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep cycles. The human brain starts producing melatonin when they are about to sleep, and blue light from a smartphone interferes with this production process. Therefore, smartphones disrupt the natural sleep cycle. Disrupted sleep cycles can lead to health problems ranging from obesity to genetic disorders and memory problems.

4. Higher risk of cancer

In addition to helping us sleep, melatonin also acts as an antioxidant. Researchers have found another negative effect of blue light, namely the risk of developing cancer. People whose natural production of melatonin is suppressed, for example due to exposure to blue light, will be at a higher risk of developing various types of cancer, especially breast and prostate cancer.

5. Tendency to depression

Exposure to blue light from gadgets causes depression. Research has also shown that people whose melatonin levels are depressed and unable to function normally due to exposure to blue light are more prone to depression.

6. Causes premature aging

Research shows that long-term exposure to blue light can damage skin cells and cause premature aging. This can speed up the breakdown of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for tightening the skin so it looks younger.

7. Causes eye fatigue

Most people spend time in front of digital screens. These activities can cause a condition of eye strain known as digital eye strain, which can affect a person’s productivity. In addition to the distance between the eyes and the screen and the duration of use, the blue light emitted by the screen of mobile phones and gadgets also plays a key role in eye fatigue.

7 negative effects of blue light from mobile phones and gadgets 2

How to reduce blue light exposure

There are several ways to reduce the risk of exposure to blue light from mobile phone screens and gadgets.

  1. Reduce lighting levels in electronic devices.
  2. Turn on night mode if available.
  3. Leave or turn off electronic devices a few hours before bed.
  4. Install a filter or anti-radiator on the gadget screen.
  5. Wear special goggles that block blue light.
  6. Use anti-reflective lenses to reduce glare in your eyes.

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