Perhaps there is not a single woman in the world who would be 100% satisfied with her appearance. We always want to change something. Let’s say, straighten curls, or vice versa, curl straight hair. With the modern abundance of hairdressing tools, both are achievable, but making curls is still easier. And without any chemistry and complex techniques.
We at Joy-pup support your pursuit of excellence. We will tell you how to make luxurious curls at home.
The traditional way is curling iron
Our great-grandmothers used curling irons, which had to be heated on a candle. It took a lot of dexterity not to burn the hair. Everything is much more convenient now. In the modern market for beauty products, there are many models of ply are available: from uncomplicated designs to cool gadgets with all sorts of functions. Be that as it may, the curling iron is still the go-to tool for quick curling, and dexterity is still required to get beautiful curls. Attention: hair must be clean and dry.
We make perfect curls with a curling iron:
- Pull up the hair at the crown of your head and secure with a barrette.
- From the hair on the back of the head, form strands no thicker than 2 centimeters.
- Heat your curling iron. Pinch the tip of the strand and wind it up to the base.
- Keep the hair in the curling iron for about 15 seconds.
- Repeat on the bottom of the hair, then curl the hair at the crown.
A large-diameter curling iron can curl large curls. Small curls last longer. If you need to achieve exactly this effect, use fine tongs to style your hair.
Tip: remember that you often cannot use a curling iron. Under the influence of high temperature, the hair structure is damaged and it loses its smoothness. If you do choose this styling option, be sure to apply a heat protectant. When choosing a curling iron, give preference to a model with a ceramic coating.
Curl curls with invisibility
To make the curls look as natural as possible, use bobby pins or hairpins. This method does not harm your hair and allows you to create a chic romantic look.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Part damp hair into strands. You can experiment and make the strands different in thickness. Then, large and small curls will alternate in the hairstyle.
- Press the tip of the strand between your thumb and forefinger.
- Curl your hair around your middle and forefinger so that the end of the strand stays inside.
- Secure the curl to your head with a hairpin or bobby pin.
- Do the same for all the strands.
When your hair is completely dry, carefully remove the bobby pins. Spread the curls with your fingers. Now look in the mirror! You are beautiful!
Tip: if you decide to make curls using this method, do not use rinse or hair conditioner before this.
Use papillotes
Papillots are an ancient curling agent. The ladies of the court used them back in medieval times, long before the curls and hot curlers, and the curls were tight and lush.
Papillots can be made by yourself, from fabric or paper. And you can buy ready-made: plastic, foam or Velcro.
How to use papillotes:
- Divide your hair into strands and slightly dampen it so that it is slightly damp.
- Roll the strand into a papillote, starting from the ends to the roots.
- Secure the papillote.
- Repeat the procedure with each strand.
- Remove the papillotes after 7 – 8 hours.
Tip: be sure to wash your hair before curling. Otherwise, all efforts will be wasted: the curls simply will not hold.
Making the curls “donut” for hair
Another gentle way is to wind the curls with a donut elastic band. However, it is only suitable for long hair. The main advantage of this curling is that the whole process takes a couple of minutes. But there is also a minus: for the curls to turn out spectacular and natural, at least a day must pass. This method works only if you are ready to go all day and sleep all night with a “bun” on your head.
We make curls:
- Pull your hair into a ponytail at the top of your head.
- Spray some water on the strand.
- Wrap the end of your hair around the elastic and curl towards the base of the ponytail.
- If the bundle does not hold well, you can secure it with pins.
Stay with this hairstyle all day and all night. Remove the bagel the next day. Gently smooth out the curls with a wide-toothed comb.
Tip: This elastic can be made from a sock.
The fast method exceeds all expectations: even “hopelessly” straight hair will remain wavy for a long time. Try it too!
For large curls: apply an iron
Do you think this hairdressing tool can only straighten your hair? It turns out that with his help, curls are obtained no worse than those of Hollywood stars.
So, we share a trick with you:
- Wash and dry your hair.
- Wrap a strand on the iron, stepping back a few centimeters from the roots.
- Slowly move the tool along the strand 180 degrees. Do not pinch the iron.
- Do the same for the rest of the hair.
Now gently smooth your hair with your fingers and fix with varnish.
Braiding pigtails: for small curls
For lovers of wavy hair, we offer another option – braids. The curls will be small and fluffy. This is also a safe method, after which you will not have to restore your hair. The only drawback: to get the desired result, you will have to weave pigtails for a long time.
How to make curls:
- Part your hair into sections. Moisten with water.
- Divide each of them into three even parts, and braid a thin pigtail.
- Secure the end with a thin elastic band or string to keep the braid from falling apart.
- Repeat with each strand.
- Leave the braids overnight, dissolve in the morning.
Tip: the more braids you braid, the more voluminous and finer curls will be.
This hairstyle will add volume to your hair and last until the next shampooing.
Grandma’s method – curlers to help
Beautiful curls can be done using the good old fashioned curlers. Here, fantasize as you like! If you want thin spirals – take curlers of a small diameter. If you want large curls, choose thick curlers.
However, there is one drawback. It is very uncomfortable to sleep in curlers, so it is better to do a perm in the morning.
How to fix the curlers:
- Spray or lather your hair. Moisten with water.
- Comb gently
- Hold the curlers perpendicular to the strand and roll them towards the roots. Secure.
- When the strands are dry (you can dry them a little with a hairdryer), remove the curlers.
Tip: Lemon juice can be used in place of styling products. If you feel that your hair is still damp, do not rush to remove the curlers.
Actually – small rubber bands
With the help of ordinary elastic bands, you can not only tie “tails”, but also curl curls. It turns out great: even “fancy” tools do not give such an effect.
How to make beautiful curls:
- Separate the strand. Pull it through the elastic to the very roots.
- Then thread the strand through the elastic again. Continue curling your hair to the ends.
- Repeat the process with each strand.
- Remove the rubber bands after a couple of hours.
If you like this type of curling – stock up on small elastic bands!
Making flagella
This method is perfect for those with short hairstyles and medium length hair. In addition, beautiful curls are made easily and quickly.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Twist a thin strand into a tourniquet.
- Twist it into a bun and secure with a hairpin.
- Make flagella on the rest of the strands.
- Release your hair after 6 to 7 hours.
Tip: Apply mousse or hair foam before curling. Thus, chic daring curls are obtained. Perhaps this method will become your favorite!
Change your look every day by choosing different curling methods. And remember: you are the very charm! And the Joy-pup team is always ready to inspire you for beauty!

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