Radiant skin is not only beautiful, but also speaks of inner health. Therefore, it is so important to improve your lifestyle in order to prolong your youth and beauty. This will help 5 important foods that should be in our diet.
Raspberry and blueberry

These berries contain a lot of useful vitamins and minerals. And they are also a real storehouse of antioxidants, which are responsible for a radiant complexion. Eating a handful of berries for breakfast is enough to make your skin healthier. And you will also feel a surge of strength.

It is a super product that you simply cannot do without. Vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and Omega-3 contained in avocados have a positive effect on the general condition of the body. The fruit improves the condition of the skin, hair, organs. And you need to eat it quite a bit – half an avocado per day is enough.
Chia and flax seeds

These seeds contain important trace elements that are responsible for cell regeneration, even skin tone and health promotion. They are also responsible for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Seeds can be infused and drunk with water, they are also added to various dishes.

Pamper yourself with greens almost every day. Make salads out of it or eat just like that. Thanks to the fiber found in greens, you can improve digestion and improve your health. As a result, the complexion will even out, and you will shine with youth.

They contain such useful trace elements as Omega-3, phosphorus, zinc, selenium. They are the key to radiant skin that will be healthy and beautiful. Therefore, be sure to include mussels, salmon and other seafood in your diet.

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