Foods to cut out of your diet to maintain health

Foods to cut out of your diet to maintain health


Our health largely depends on what we eat. Some foods give us strength and energy, while others have a negative impact on our well-being, can cause bloating or stomach pain. At joy-pup, we tell you what foods to cut out of your diet to maintain health.

Sugar and sweets

One of the most dangerous food groups for health is sugar and refined carbohydrates. They lead to sharp jumps in blood glucose levels, which can cause the development of type 2 diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

Foods to cut out of your diet to maintain health 1

What to limit: carbonated drinks, confectionery, sweet juices, desserts with added sugar.

What to replace: fruits, honey, small portions of dark chocolate.


Too much salt can cause high blood pressure, which increases the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease.

Foods to cut out of your diet to maintain health 2

What to limit: chips, salted nuts, ready-made soups, fast food, canned goods.

What to replace: spices and herbs, lemon juice, garlic.

Trans fats

Trans fats increase the level of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and decrease the level of “good” (HDL), which can lead to heart disease. They are found in many processed foods.

Foods to cut out of your diet to maintain health 3

What to limit: margarine, cookies, pies, fast food.

What to replace: natural oils (olive, flaxseed), nuts, avocado.

Red and processed meat

Regular consumption of red meat is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Processed meats, such as sausages and bacon, often contain large amounts of preservatives, nitrates and salt.

Foods to cut out of your diet to maintain health 4

What to limit: beef, pork, sausages, cold cuts, bacon.

What to replace: chicken, turkey, fish, legumes, soy products.


Drinking alcohol in large quantities can lead to liver disease, cardiovascular problems, and also increases the risk of cancer.

Foods to cut out of your diet to maintain health 5

What to limit: strong alcoholic drinks, beer, cocktails with added sugar.

What to replace: water, herbal teas, soft drinks with minimal sugar content.

Fast food and processed foods

Fast food and processed foods are rich in saturated fats, salt, sugars and calories, but poor in nutrients. Regular consumption of such products can lead to obesity, diabetes and heart problems.

Foods to cut out of your diet to maintain health 6

What to limit: burgers, French fries, frozen pizzas, ready meals.

What to replace: home-cooked food, fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grain products.

To be continued…

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