How to choose the shade of eyebrows for hair color?

How to choose the shade of eyebrows for hair color?


Eyebrow color can significantly change our appearance. With it, we can look brighter or make our appearance discreet. But it is important that the shade matches the color type of the face and hair color. We at joy-pup will tell you how to choose the tone of the eyebrows.

Eyebrow color for blondes

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How to choose the shade of eyebrows for hair color? 2

In order for the image to be harmonious, the eyebrows should be in tone with the roots of the hair or one or two shades darker. Makeup artists are also advised to adhere to the following rules:

  • girls with ashy hair will suit eyebrows in gray shades;
  • for natural blondes, wheaten and light gray shades of eyebrows are suitable;
  • if you have wheat hair, try dyeing your eyebrows in a golden or light brown shade;
  • fair-haired girls will suit eyebrows in chestnut tones.

Eyebrow color for brunettes and brown-haired women

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If you have dark hair, pay attention to expressive eyebrows. They can be rich, deep, which will make your look clearer.

Brown hair goes well with eyebrows in bright gray or chocolate shades. They will help you enhance the beauty of your eyes.

In the case when you have black hair or it has a rich dark shade, you can paint your eyebrows in the same tone or colder. Black eyebrows look very beautiful with the same black hair. Thanks to this, your face will be more expressive. You can also safely choose a dark brown palette to shade your eyes, but make your look more gentle.

Eyebrow color for redheads

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Bright, sunny hair color perfectly sets off the face and makes the image more tender. To look perfect, choose the right shade of eyebrows. So, a good option would be terracotta or copper. But you can also choose chocolate shades or rich dark ones if you are not afraid of experiments.

Eyebrow color for ashy hair

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If you have ashy or gray hair, give preference to light shades of eyebrows. For example, eyebrows of a cold gray palette or a light golden tone would be a good option. You can also focus on the roots of your hair.

You can also experiment by choosing a rich dark shade of eyebrows. Then your image will be spectacular.

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