How to cleanse your body of toxins: 5 effective recommendations

How to cleanse your body of toxins: 5 effective recommendations


Toxins can accumulate in our body. They affect a person’s condition, can cause malaise, and a feeling of fatigue. Therefore, it is important to help your body get rid of toxins. We at joy-pup tell you how to do this.

Eat right

Your body needs nutrients to effectively deal with toxins. Add more vegetables and fruits rich in fiber (for example, broccoli, beets, apples) to your diet. Also include foods that promote detoxification: avocado, spinach, citrus fruits. At the same time, exclude sugar, fatty and processed foods.

Be active

This helps not only improve your mood, but also stimulates metabolism. Light yoga, jogging in the fresh air or even a 30-minute walk will help you. Regular physical activity increases sweating, which helps the body get rid of toxins through the skin.

Drink a lot of water

Water is the best friend of women’s beauty and health. It helps remove toxins naturally and improves skin condition. It is recommended to start the morning with a glass of warm water with lemon – this starts the metabolism and helps the body cleanse itself. Drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water during the day, adding mint or cucumber slices for flavor.

How to cleanse your body of toxins: 5 effective recommendations 1

Don’t forget about teas

Drink herbal teas: milk thistle, mint and ginger are ideal for supporting the liver and removing toxins. But give up fatty foods if you want to remove toxins from the body.

Detox through the skin

It is through the skin that you can remove toxins. Treat yourself to a detox bath or use salt or coffee scrubs about once a week. Moisturize your skin with natural oils to keep it fresh and supple.

To be continued…

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