TOP 5 products that cause acne

TOP 5 products that cause acne


Acne worries many women. After all, such a problem affects our appearance, and getting rid of it is quite difficult. But few people know that the appearance of pimples on the skin is affected by what we eat. After all, some products can increase inflammation and increase the production of sebum. We at joy-pup tell you which products affect the appearance of acne.

Foods with a high glycemic index

A high glycemic index (GI) means that the product quickly increases blood sugar levels. This leads to a sharp release of insulin, which, in turn, stimulates the production of hormones that increase sebum production. In particular, these are: white bread, confectionery, chips, sweet carbonated drinks. Replace these foods with low-glycemic foods like oatmeal, whole grains, and vegetables.

TOP 5 products that cause acne 1


Milk and dairy products, especially low-fat ones, can trigger acne. This is because they contain hormones that increase inflammation and stimulate the growth of sebaceous glands. Dairy products can also increase insulin levels, which also leads to increased sebum production.

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Sweets and refined sugar

Excessive sugar consumption leads to sharp jumps in insulin levels, which negatively affects the skin. Sugar contributes to the increase in the activity of androgens – hormones that stimulate the sebaceous glands. As a result, the skin becomes oily, pores become clogged, and acne appears.

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Foods high in trans fats

Trans fats are found in processed foods such as margarine, fast food, ready-made pastries, and convenience foods. They can disrupt hormonal balance, which leads to acne. Regular consumption of trans fats worsens the overall condition of the skin and increases its susceptibility to breakouts.

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Products High in Iodine

Iodine-containing foods, such as seaweed, iodized salt, and seafood, can increase acne symptoms if consumed in excess. Iodine stimulates the activity of the sebaceous glands and contributes to clogged pores, especially in people with sensitive skin.

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To be continued…

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