Many of us think that nuts are high in fat and calories. But some of them are incredibly healthy and even promote weight loss, so they should be included in the diet. We at joy-pup tell you which nuts promote weight loss and help you keep your figure.

It is the leader among dietary nuts. 100 g contains about 575 kcal, but only 20-25 g per day (about 15 nuts) is enough to get the required dose. Almonds:
- Reduces hunger.
- Rich in magnesium and vitamin E.
- Helps control blood sugar levels.

It contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fats and antioxidants. You only need to eat 3-5 nuts a day. The product:
- Supports brain function and metabolism.
- Accelerates satiety.
- Contains omega-3 fatty acids.
Also read how to make nut soup.

One of the least caloric nuts (about 560 kcal per 100 g). It has a high protein and fiber content, while:
- Reduces cravings for sweets.
- Aids digestion.
It is better to choose unsalted pistachios, and their optimal portion is 30 g per day. By the way, pistachios also help get rid of wrinkles.

This nut contains iron, zinc and B vitamins, is useful for maintaining energy balance. It:
- Supports normal metabolism.
- Reduces bad cholesterol.
- Quickly satisfies hunger.
The recommended portion is 15-20 nuts per day.
Brazil Nut

An excellent source of selenium, which helps normalize hormonal levels, which is important for weight control. It:
- Regulates the thyroid gland.
- Provides antioxidant protection.
- Supports immunity.
You only need to eat 1-2 nuts a day. But do not combine them with simple carbohydrates, and eat them in the first half of the day.
To be continued…

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