Spring pruning of fruit trees – when and how

Spring pruning of fruit trees – when and how


Spring pruning of fruit trees is an important step in caring for the garden. Its purpose is to form a beautiful crown, improve the growth and productivity of trees, as well as prevent possible diseases and pests. Before you start pruning, you need to choose the right tool – secateurs, saw and scissors. Different types of trees use different pruning methods.

Pears and apple trees

For apple and pear trees, the “short branch” method is recommended. First you need to remove all dry and damaged branches. Then those branches that grow at an angle of more than 45 degrees from the trunk are removed. The remaining branches should be shortened by a third or half, leaving side buds. Thus, the tree will have a more compact and healthy crown.

Pear and apple trees are best pruned in winter, more precisely at the end of winter, when the trees are still dormant. The ideal temperature for pruning is -5 to +5 degrees Celsius. At this time, the trees are not only in the safest condition for pruning, but also will not lose too much juice due to cuts.

Spring pruning of fruit trees – when and how 1
Pruning pear and apple trees

Peaches and apricots

Pruning of peaches and apricots is carried out using the “long branch” method. First, all weak and thin branches are removed. Then the remaining branches are reduced by 20-30%. It is important not to cut branches too hard, so as not to limit the yield of trees.

Peaches and apricots are best cut in late winter or early spring, before the growing season begins. The optimum temperature for cutting is from 0 to +10 degrees Celsius. Pruning at this time allows the trees to recover by the start of the growing season and increase yields.

Spring pruning of fruit trees – when and how 2
Pruning peach and apricot

Cherry and sweet cherry

Pruning of cherries and sweet cherries is carried out after flowering, as these trees have a high probability of infection through open wounds. Only dry and damaged branches are removed, and the remaining ones are not pruned.

Cherries and sweet cherries are pruned in late summer or early autumn, after the end of the harvest. The best temperature for pruning is from +15 to +25 degrees Celsius. At this time, the trees are still active and can quickly heal cuts, as well as prevent the development of diseases and pests.

Spring pruning of fruit trees – when and how 3
Pruning cherries and cherries

Pruning cherries and cherries

It is important to remember that some types of trees can only tolerate pruning at certain times of the year. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the features of each type.

In general, proper pruning of fruit trees will allow you to get a good harvest and keep your garden healthy. If you are unsure of your skills, it is best to seek help from experienced gardeners or consultants.

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