Teachers were shocked by what they found under the ceiling

Teachers were shocked by what they found under the ceiling


One afternoon, the employees of a high school in Northern California were going about their business when they suddenly heard strange noises. They were coming from the air vents, and quickly realized that these sounds were actually low and squeaky meows.

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All persons involved immediately began to search for the source of the sounds. A little later, they found the kittens, but unfortunately they could not get to them right away.

“On Tuesday, we heard sounds coming from the air vents and were able to see the kittens on the roof near the air conditioner,” said Dodo Jeremiah Jones, one of the school staff. “The maintenance staff set up a trap to try and catch the little ones. The next day, Wednesday morning, the mother cat fell into the trap. Of course, the teachers immediately let her go so that she could return to the kids.

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On Thursday, the school’s maintenance staff managed to rescue three kittens, but staff continued to hear meows coming from the air vents.

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The called repairman boldly climbed onto the table, lifted the ceiling panel and began to search.

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After some time, he discovered and retrieved two more tiny kittens.

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“All the school staff and student office staff couldn’t believe their amazing campus maintenance technician Jake was able to find the remaining kittens so quickly,” Jones said. “The fluffy balls seemed hungry and meowed when they were rescued.”

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After making sure that all the kittens are healthy, they were sent home to local families. Thanks to the perseverance of the training staff, they are now safe and doing well. Now our teachers will always know what to do if they hear the cat’s meow again.

The Dodo

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