The heaviest people in the world – Happy Humphrey – 410 kg and Andres Moreno – 444 kg

The heaviest people in the world – Happy Humphrey – 410 kg and Andres Moreno – 444 kg


Happy Humphrey 410 kg

Happy Humphrey became known as the heaviest wrestler in history, whose weight in the first half of adult life ranged from 340-360 kg, and the maximum record reached 410 kg. He struggled with excess weight throughout his life, but could not cope with it until he fell ill with a heart. After that, he decided to start fighting overweight and participate in experiments on the treatment of obesity at the Augusta Clinic in Georgia.

The heaviest people in the world – Happy Humphrey – 410 kg and Andres Moreno – 444 kg 1

Humphrey lived at the Augusta Clinic for two years under the supervision of specialists and ate no more than 1000 calories a day, did not participate in physical exercises. His diet was divided into cycles of 56 days, focusing first on proteins, then on slow carbohydrates, and then on fats. Between 1962 and 1965, Happy Humphrey lost 260 kg of weight, and at the time of discharge from the clinic weighed 105 kg. He received the title of weight loss champion with an entry in the Guinness Book of Records.

The heaviest people in the world – Happy Humphrey – 410 kg and Andres Moreno – 444 kg 2

After being discharged from the clinic, Happy returned to his normal life and work, continuing to struggle with being overweight. He died in 1989, gaining weight up to 260 kg.

Andres Moreno 444 kg

Andres began to struggle with excess weight quite late in his life. Immediately before his death, he underwent an operation, after which his weight was reduced by 100 kg. However, a month after the operation, Andres was faced with the development of peritonitis – the infection spread so quickly that the man called an ambulance, but never reached the hospital.

The heaviest people in the world – Happy Humphrey – 410 kg and Andres Moreno – 444 kg 3

Since Andres was 10 years old, he began to gain weight, reaching 120 kg. Subsequently, in adulthood, his weight increased to an astounding 444 kg. The main reason for such a rapid weight gain was a disturbed metabolism, which was never restored until the end of his life.

It is important to note that Andres did not sit idly by and tried different methods of losing weight, such as diets and exercise. However, due to their condition, these measures did not bring the desired result. Ultimately, the doctors decided to perform weight loss surgery, believing it to be the only way to help him.

The heaviest people in the world – Happy Humphrey – 410 kg and Andres Moreno – 444 kg 4

Unfortunately, fate turned out to be unpredictable, and despite the efforts of the doctors and Andres himself, his struggle with being overweight ended tragically. This story serves as a reminder of how important it is to take care of your health and do everything possible to prevent the development of such problems.

In addition, Andres’ story shows how difficult the process of losing weight can be and how important the timely help of specialists is. Hope Andres Moreno’s example helps someone

To be continued…

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