Why houseplant buds fall and how to protect them

Why houseplant buds fall and how to protect them


Causes of dropping buds in indoor plants:

1. Insufficient lighting. Many houseplants need bright light in order to thrive and bloom properly. If the plant is in the shade, then the buds may begin to fall off.

2. Lack of moisture. If the potted soil is too dry, the plant will not get enough water and its buds may fall off.

3. Lack of nutrients. If the plant does not receive enough nutrients, then its buds may begin to fall off.

4. Excess fertilizer. Too much fertilizer can cause roots to dry out and buds to drop.

5. Low temperature. Some houseplants need a fairly warm temperature in order to thrive. If the temperature in the room is too low, then the buds may fall off.

Why houseplant buds fall and how to protect them 1
Causes of dropping buds in indoor plants

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How to protect the buds of indoor plants:

1. Provide the plant with adequate lighting. Place it on a window sill where there is enough bright light. If the windows do not face south, then artificial lighting can be used.

2. Maintain optimal humidity levels. Water the plant regularly, making sure the soil in the pot does not dry out. You can also use humidifiers.

3. Feed the plant with the right fertilizer. Do not overdo it with the amount of fertilizer and follow the instructions on the package.

4. Make sure the room temperature is right for the particular plant. If the temperature is too low, additional lighting or a heater can be used.

Why houseplant buds fall and how to protect them 2
  How to protect the buds of indoor plants

What to do if the buds still began to fall off:

1. Check the growing conditions of the plant and make sure it is getting everything it needs to grow and bloom.

2. Remove all fallen buds and treat the plant for pests and diseases.

3. If the fall of the buds does not stop, then reconsider the conditions of the plant. Perhaps it needs more light or water. It may also need to be transplanted into new soil or into a larger pot. However, you should not drastically change the conditions of detention, especially if the plant has just been bought or transplanted. It is better to gradually get used to the new conditions.

4. If the plant is infected with pests or diseases, then it is necessary to take measures to destroy them. To do this, you can use special insecticides or fungicides that are sold at garden centers. However, before using any chemicals, you must read the instructions and follow the precautions.

5. In addition, you should pay attention to the temperature and humidity in the room where the indoor plants are located. Too dry air can cause the buds to drop, so it is recommended to use humidifiers or spray the plants regularly with water.

6. It is important to remember that each type of indoor plants has its own characteristics and requirements for the conditions of detention. Therefore, before buying a plant, it is necessary to study the information about it and properly organize its care. If the fall of the buds does not stop, do not hesitate to seek help from a specialist or an experienced gardener.

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