7, 11, 13: numerological meaning of the three most popular numbers in the world

7, 11, 13: numerological meaning of the three most popular numbers in the world


Numbers often become an integral part of our daily lives. Each person not only has preferred foods or colors, but also an interest in a certain number. According to astrologers, three of them are the most popular in the world: 7, 11, 13. They not only amaze with their popularity, but also have deep numerological meaning. We at Joy-pup will explore the secrets of these numbers and reveal their influence on our lives.

Number 7

7, 11, 13: numerological meaning of the three most popular numbers in the world 1

The prime number 7 has a special uniqueness. In various cultures it is not only considered magical, but also associated with divinity. Mentioned about 700 times in the Bible, the symbolism of the seven expresses the superiority of spirit over matter. This number has incredible power, representing the highest energy that governs our world. 7 musical notes, 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 days in a week – we meet seven in various areas of life, which once again emphasizes its special meaning.

In numerology, the number 7 plays a key role in determining future directions and pushing us to find harmony with our desires. The life path associated with the number 7 involves a unique journey, the activation of the intellect and the need to carefully analyze each situation.

Number 11

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11 is the number of creative inspiration, magnetism, revelation, and sometimes fanaticism. In numerology, it is a powerful and spiritual number, containing the dual energy of the number 1 – the first number symbolizing beginning and unity. This gives tremendous strength to decisively achieve your goals and overcome life’s obstacles.

This is the number of destination, which in numerology is called the “master number”. It encourages you to use your power but refrain from abusing it. In addition, having a life path under the influence of the number 11 gives charisma and great intuition. In astrology, this number symbolizes your behavior in society and participation in collective projects.

Number 13

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The number 13 evokes various associations. For some it is a lucky talisman, but for others it is a bad omen. This superstition has its roots in the biblical Last Supper, where the twelve apostles attended their final meal with Jesus, and the betrayal of Judas. In everyday life, we often avoid this number, for example, when choosing a hotel room or a street. However, there are people who prefer to play the lottery on Friday the 13th.

But in the world of numerology there is no place for the concepts of luck or failure. This number, equal to 4 (if you add 1+3), denotes not only the completion of a certain situation, but also transformation, rebirth. Regardless of whether this figure is synonymous with failure or success, it will inevitably lead to renewal and new ambitions.

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