With clawed hands and a smaller brain: scientists have shown what a person will look like in 2100

With clawed hands and a smaller brain: scientists have shown what a person will look like in 2100


By 2100, a person’s appearance may change significantly. We will become completely different under the influence of the lifestyle that we currently lead.

With clawed hands and a smaller brain: scientists have shown what a person will look like in 2100 1

According to the Daily Star, scientists have created a 3D model of a future person, whom they named Mindy. To do this, they analyzed how technology affects our body. As a result, in their opinion, people in 2100 will have a hunched back from the constant use of gadgets, as well as a smaller brain.

With clawed hands and a smaller brain: scientists have shown what a person will look like in 2100 2

According to experts, in less than 100 years, people may have hands that look like claws. This is due to the fact that we spend a lot of time with our mobile phones.

People will also develop double eyelids to protect their eyes from harmful light.

With clawed hands and a smaller brain: scientists have shown what a person will look like in 2100 3

As health and wellness expert Caleb Baquet, who created this model, explains, time spent on the phone strains the neck and causes the spine to become unbalanced. As a result, the muscles have to make extra efforts to support the head. Also, sitting in front of the computer for hours on end can cause the torso to stretch in front of the hips, it will not be straight.

With clawed hands and a smaller brain: scientists have shown what a person will look like in 2100 4

Scientists believe that radio frequency radiation from smartphones can also cause an effect on the brain. As a result, a person has the potential to develop a thicker skull, and with it a smaller brain. This is based on the scientific theory of idiocracy.

Read also how NASA showed the birth of a new iceberg.

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