Died legendary Toto Cutugno

Died legendary Toto Cutugno


Legendary Italian singer Toto Cutugno has died. He was 80 years old. This was reported by Ansa, citing the artist’s manager Danilo Mancuso. It is known that the musician died on August 22 at 16:00 in one of the clinics in Milan. He was hospitalized there shortly before his death.

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At the moment, the exact cause of the singer’s death is not known. But his manager said that in the last months of his life, the health of Toto Cutugno worsened due to a long illness that the artist struggled with.

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It is known that Toto Cutugno had oncology. Her artist was diagnosed in the 2000s. The singer underwent a series of operations, the disease receded at that time.

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Recall that Toto Cutugno is a legendary Italian singer and composer. He began his artistic career in 1953. His biggest hit was L’Italiano, which premiered in 1983.

To be continued…

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