It seems that there are more and more scandals in the life of Justin Timberlake. After Britney Spears’ frank confessions, Playboy model Zoe Gregory has now spoken out. She shared details from her intimate life and said that the singer spent time with her while in a relationship with Cameron Diaz.

Initially, Justin did not pay attention to her overt advances. He said that he was faithful to the actress. But still I couldn’t resist. The model constantly focused his attention on the fact that while Cameron was not in Hugh Hefner’s house, he could have fun.
Zoe noted that Timberlake didn’t want to be a weakling. They went into the pool, took off their clothes down to his shorts and fooled around. They did not make love, but kissed and caressed each other. This all lasted no more than five minutes, because the model was worried that they might be noticed. After this, the celebrities got dressed and said goodbye.

Justin Timberlake has not commented on the story. But she could harm his relationship with his wife Jessica Biel and leave a nasty mark on his reputation.
To be continued…

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