Legendary director Bertrand Blier has died

Legendary director Bertrand Blier has died


French actor, director and screenwriter Bertrand Blier has died at the age of 85. The sad news was confirmed by his son Leonard. The director passed away on January 21, at his home in Paris. His wife and children were with the director in his last moments.

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As French Culture Minister Rachida Dati said, the director was a brilliant writer of dialogues, in the tradition of Prévert and Audiard. He was also a passionate admirer of creative freedom.

Legendary director Bertrand Blier has died 2

Bertrand Blier was a legend of French cinema. He began his career in 1963 with the documentary “Hitler? I Don’t Know Him.” His filmography also includes many successful films. Thus, in 1979, he received an Oscar for the film “Get Your Handkerchiefs Ready.”

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