Taylor Swift entered the list of the richest people in the world

Taylor Swift entered the list of the richest people in the world


The famous American singer Taylor Swift was included for the first time in the list of the richest people according to Forbes magazine. It is known that the performer took 14th place in the ranking with a fortune of $1.1 billion.

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It was Taylor Swift who became the first singer to enter the list of world billionaires solely by writing and performing songs.

Before this, she received the status of “megastar”. At the moment, she has many world awards to her name. Thus, she received a Grammy four times in the Best Album category. And the album “1989” became the best-selling album in 2023.

Taylor Swift entered the list of the richest people in the world 2

Also in 2023, Taylor Swift became “Person of the Year” according to Time magazine and one of the most influential women in the world according to Forbes. She also broke records by receiving the largest ever royalty from Spotify at $100 million.

To be continued…

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